Computational Model Library

Displaying 10 of 421 results agent-based model clear

Homophily and Distance Depending Network Generation for Modelling Opinion Dynamics

Sascha Holzhauer | Published Wednesday, August 22, 2012 | Last modified Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The model uses opinion dynamics to test a simple and ecient but empirically based approach for generating social networks in spatial agent-based models which explicitly takes into account restrictions and opportunities imposed by effects of baseline homophily and considers the probability of links that depends on geographical distance between potential partners.

Peer reviewed Axelrod_Cultural_Dissemination

Arezky Rodríguez | Published Wednesday, March 27, 2013 | Last modified Sunday, May 05, 2013

The Axelrod’s model of cultural dissemination is an agent-model designed to investigate the dissemination of culture among interacting agents on a society.

MERCURY: an ABM of tableware trade in the Roman East

Tom Brughmans Jeroen Poblome | Published Thursday, September 25, 2014 | Last modified Friday, May 01, 2015

MERCURY aims to represent and explore two descriptive models of the functioning of the Roman trade system that aim to explain the observed strong differences in the wideness of distributions of Roman tableware.

AMMA: Agent-based Model of the Media Arena

Annie Waldherr | Published Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The AMMA simulates how news waves emerge in the mass media. Drawing on the ideas of public arena models and issue-attention cycles, it represents fundamental principles of public communication in a virtual media system.

This is the final version of the model. To simulate the normative dynamics we used the EmIL (EMergence In the Loop) Framework which was kindly provided by Ulf Lotzmann.

An Agent-Based Model of Internet Diffusion Under General and Specific Network Externalities

Filiz Garip | Published Friday, April 27, 2012 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

Using nodes from the 2002 General Social Survey sample, the code establishes a network of ties with a given homophily bias, and simulates Internet adoption rates in that network under three conditions: (i) no network externalities, (ii) general network externalities, where an individual’s reservation price is a function of the overall adoption rate in the network, (iii) specific network externalities, where reservation price is a function of the adoption rate in individual’s personal […]

Land-Livelihood Transitions

Nicholas Magliocca Daniel G Brown Erle C Ellis | Published Monday, September 09, 2013 | Last modified Friday, September 13, 2013

Implemented as a virtual laboratory, this model explores transitions in land-use and livelihood decisions that emerge from changing local and global conditions.

The Pampas Model is an Agent-Based Model intended to explore the dynamics of structural and land use changes in agricultural systems of the Argentine Pampas in response to climatic, technological economic, and political drivers.

Simulates the construction of scientific journal publications, including authors, references, contents and peer review. Also simulates collective learning on a fitness landscape. Described in: Watts, Christopher & Nigel Gilbert (forthcoming) “Does cumulative advantage affect collective learning in science? An agent-based simulation”, Scientometrics.

The model explores the emergence of inequality in cognitive and socio-emotional skills at the societal level within and across generations that results from differences in parental investment behavior during childhood and adolescence.

Displaying 10 of 421 results agent-based model clear

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