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Steve Railsback and Volker Grimm will present their short course introducing agent-based modeling for scientific applications. Major topics include model design—how to determine what things should be in a model or left out; programming models in the NetLogo platform; and model analysis—how to use a working model to produce theoretical and applied understanding. The course is sponsored by the NetLogo team at Northwestern University.
Brain Emulation Challenge Workshop: Functionalizing Brain Data, Ground-Truthing, and the Role of Artificial Data in Advancing Neuroscience
Explore the challenges and opportunities in functionalizing brain data to emulate neural circuits, tackle cutting-edge topics such as ground-truthing for validation, leveraging artificial datasets generated from virtual brain tissue, and the transformative potential of virtual brain platforms, such as applied to the forthcoming Brain Emulation Challenge.
Join this intensive 1 week course to build your own ABM, analyze your specific case with experts, practice advanced techniques, and plan the next steps for your own fully functional model.
** Extended deadline - 11 Feb - Call for Papers - MABS 2025 - The 26th International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation, part of the AAMAS 2025 conference, taking place in Detroit, Michigan, USA, from May 19th to May 23rd, 2025. Submissions must be electronically submitted through https://mabsworkshop.github.io/cfp/ before the submission deadline. (Deadline: February 11)
The Summer Visiting Scholar Program is open to graduate students interested in spending up to 6 weeks at the CSDMS Integration Facility at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Selected students will be working on their own research and will benefit from mentoring with the CSDMS Research Software Engineers and faculty/staff.
The 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2025) will be held in Detroit, Michigan, USA, on May 19-23, 2025.
Student Modeling Contest!
What is needed:
A digital copy of one of your relevant thesis chapter or research paper (please do not submit your entire thesis!),
A link to a public repository of your code with an open source license, and technical documentation,
Contact information for your supervisor.
More information for the session and registration can be found here: https://is4ie.org/events/event/international-industrial-ecology-day-2024/program/112
This workshop explores the intersection of Agent-Based Modeling, Complex Networks, and High-Performance Computing for large-scale systems. It includes talks, a panel, posters, and a hands-on course on Vahana.jl. Aimed at researchers and students in complex systems and related fields. Speakers from various universities will present. Free participation with registration; poster abstracts due November 10th.
This event aims to discuss advances in infant attachment and the mother-infant relationship at the neural and behavioral scales, combining experimental data with computational models from a complex systems approach. Challenges related to this integration will be presented at the end of the event.
Displaying 10 of 712 results