Computational Model Library

Displaying 10 of 1149 results

Peer reviewed Simple Coastal Exploitation in the American Samoa

Chloe Atwater | Published Wednesday, November 05, 2014

This model employs optimal foraging theory principles to generate predictions of which coastal habitats are exploited in climatically stable versus variable environments, using the American Samoa as a study area.

01a ModEco V2.05 – Model Economies – In C++

Garvin Boyle | Published Monday, February 04, 2013 | Last modified Friday, April 14, 2017

Perpetual Motion Machine - A simple economy that operates at both a biophysical and economic level, and is sustainable. The goal: to determine the necessary and sufficient conditions of sustainability, and the attendant necessary trade-offs.

The provided source code is the result of our efforts in replicating Epstein’s Demographic Prisoner’s Dilemma. The simulation model is written in Repast/J 3.1.

Peer reviewed Family Herd Demography

Abigail Buffington Andrew Yoak Ian M Hamilton Rebecca Garabed Mark Moritz | Published Monday, August 15, 2016 | Last modified Saturday, January 06, 2018

The model examines the dynamics of herd growth in African pastoral systems. We used it to examine the role of scale (herd size) stochasticity (in mortality, fertility, and offtake) on herd growth.

Extra Radical Adder

J Kasmire Janne M Korhonen | Published Friday, December 05, 2014

This is one of four extensions to the standard Adder model that replicate the various interventions typical of transition experiments.

Peer reviewed Hohokam Trade Networks Model

Joshua Watts | Published Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Hohokam Trade Networks Model focuses on key features of the Hohokam economy to explore how differences in trade network topologies may show up in the archaeological record. The model is set in the Phoenix Basin of central Arizona, AD 200-1450.

Using webs of replicas of Atwood’s Machine, we explore implications of the Maximum Power Principle. This is one of a series of models exploring the dynamics of sustainable economics – PSoup, ModEco, EiLab, OamLab, MppLab, TpLab, CmLab.

02 OamLab V1.10 - Open Atwood Machine Laboratory

Garvin Boyle | Published Saturday, January 31, 2015 | Last modified Thursday, April 13, 2017

Using chains of replicas of Atwood’s Machine, this model explores implications of the Maximum Power Principle. It is one of a series of models exploring the dynamics of sustainable economics – PSoup, ModEco, EiLab, OamLab, MppLab, TpLab, EiLab.

Extra Innovation Adder

J Kasmire Janne M Korhonen | Published Friday, December 05, 2014

One of four extensions to the standard Adder model that replicates a common type of transition experiment.

Walk Away in groups

Athena Aktipis | Published Thursday, March 17, 2016

This NetLogo model implements the Walk Away strategy in a spatial public goods game, where individuals have the ability to leave groups with insufficient levels of cooperation.

Displaying 10 of 1149 results

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