Computational Model Library

Displaying 10 of 190 results behavior clear search

Agent-based model of sexual partnership

Andrea Knittel | Published Monday, December 05, 2011 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

In this model agents meet, evaluate one another, decide whether or not to date, if and when to become sexual partners, and when to break up.

A Computational Model of Workers Protest

Jae-Woo Kim | Published Friday, May 13, 2011 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

We present an agent-based model of worker protest informed by Epstein (2002). Workers have varying degrees of grievance depending on the difference between their wage and the average of their neighbors. They protest with probabilities proportional to grievance, but are inhibited by the risk of being arrested – which is determined by the ratio of coercive agents to probable rebels in the local area. We explore the effect of similarity perception on the dynamics of collective behavior. If […]

The various technologies used inside a Dutch greenhouse interact in combination with an external climate, resulting in an emergent internal climate, which contributes to the final productivity of the greenhouse. This model examines how differing technology development styles affects the overall ability of a community of growers to approach the theoretical maximum yield.

A haystack-style model of group selection to capture the essential features of colony foundation for queens of the ant based on observation of the ant Pogonomyrmex californicus.

A preliminary extension of the Hemelrijk 1996 model of reciprocal behavior to include feeding

Sean Barton | Published Monday, December 13, 2010 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

A more complete description of the model can be found in Appendix I as an ODD protocol. This model is an expansion of the Hemelrijk (1996) that was expanded to include a simple food seeking behavior.

Evolution of cooperation via indirect reciprocity by image scoring

Marco Janssen | Published Friday, October 22, 2010 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

The model explores the possibility of the evolution of cooperation due to indirect reciprocity when agents derive information about the past behavior of the opponent in one-shot dilemma games.

Opinion Leaders' Role in Innovation Diffusion

Peter Van Eck | Published Wednesday, March 10, 2010 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

This model is used to investigate the role of opinion leader. More specifically: the influence of ‘innovative behavior’, ‘weigth of normative influence’, ‘better product judgment’, ‘number of opinion

This model simulates the motion picture industry and tests how social influences affect market shares. It is empirically validated at the micro level by a cross-cultural survey.

Exploration and Exploitation in Parallel Problem Solving Effect of Agent’s Imitation Strategy

Hua Zhang | Published Saturday, June 27, 2009 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

I extend Lazer’s model by adding agent’s two kinds of imitation strategies: selective imitation and structurally equivalent imitation. I examined the effect of interaction of network with agent behavi

Patch choice model from Optimal Foraging Theory (Human Behavioral Ecology)

C Michael Barton | Published Saturday, November 22, 2008 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

NetLogo model of patch choice model from optimal foraging theory (human behavioral ecology).

Displaying 10 of 190 results behavior clear search

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