Computational Model Library

Displaying 10 of 41 results social-ecological clear search

LimnoSES - social-ecological lake management undergoing regime shifts

Romina Martin | Published Thursday, November 24, 2016 | Last modified Friday, January 18, 2019

LimnoSES is a coupled system dynamics, agent-based model to simulate social-ecological feedbacks in shallow lake use and management.

Institutional change

Abigail Sullivan | Published Friday, October 07, 2016 | Last modified Sunday, December 02, 2018

This model builds on another model in this library (“diffusion of culture”).

This model aims to investigate how different type of learning (social system) and disturbance specific attributes (ecological system) influence adoption of treatment strategies to treat the effects of ecological disturbances.


Erin Bohensky | Published Monday, February 06, 2012 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

The WaterScape is an agent-based model of the South African water sector. This version of the model focuses on potential barriers to learning in water management that arise from interactions between human perceptions and social-ecological system conditions.

Mobility, Resource Harvesting and Robustness of Social-Ecological Systems

Irene Perez Ibarra | Published Monday, September 24, 2012 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

The model is a stylized representation of a social-ecological system of agents moving and harvesting a renewable resource. The purpose is to analyze how mobility affects sustainability. Experiments changing agents’ mobility, landscape and information governments have can be run.

Lakeland 2

Marco Janssen Wander Jager | Published Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Lakeland 2 is a simple version of the original Lakeland of Jager et al. (2000) Ecological Economics 35(3): 357-380. The model can be used to explore the consequences of different behavioral assumptions on resource and social dynamics.

MayaSim: An agent-based model of the ancient Maya social-ecological system

Scott Heckbert | Published Wednesday, July 11, 2012 | Last modified Tuesday, July 02, 2013

MayaSim is an agent-based, cellular automata and network model of the ancient Maya. Biophysical and anthropogenic processes interact to grow a complex social ecological system.

Harvesting daisies in Daisyworld

Marco Janssen | Published Saturday, July 22, 2017

Comparing impact of alternative behavioral theories in a simple social-ecological system.

Nepali Village Model

John Janmaat Suzan L Lapp | Published Thursday, April 17, 2014

The model implements a model that reflects features of a rural hill village in Nepal. Key features of the model include water storage, social capital and migration of household members who then send remittances back to the village.

The purpose of the AdaptPumpa model is to analyze the robustness of the Pumpa irrigation system in Nepal to climate change.

Displaying 10 of 41 results social-ecological clear search

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