Computational Model Library

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Replication of an agent-based model using the Replication Standard

Jiaxin Zhang Derek Robinson | Published Sunday, January 20, 2019 | Last modified Saturday, July 18, 2020

This model is a replication model which is constructed based on the existing model used by the following article:
Brown, D.G. and Robinson, D.T., 2006. Effects of heterogeneity in residential preferences on an agent-based model of urban sprawl. Ecology and society, 11(1).
The original model is called SLUCE’s Original Model for Experimentation (SOME). In Brown and Robinson (2006)’s article, the SOME model was used to explore the impacts of heterogeneity in residential location selections on the research of urban sprawl. The original model was constructed using Objective-C language based on SWARM platform. This replication model is built by NetLogo language on NetLogo platform. We successfully replicate that model and demonstrated the reliability and replicability of it.

Active Shooter: An Agent-Based Model of Unarmed Resistance

Tom Briggs William Kennedy | Published Thursday, December 29, 2016 | Last modified Tuesday, April 04, 2017

A NetLogo ABM developed to explore unarmed resistance to an active shooter. The landscape is a generalized open outdoor area. Parameters enable the user to set shooter armament and control for assumptions with regard to shooter accuracy.

Village Ecodynamics Project

ipem | Published Friday, May 13, 2011 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Village Project is designed to help archaeologists understand the factors influencing settlement patterns of small-scale agrarian peoples. Although such societies are becoming increasingly rare, they represent the norm throughout most of the Neolithic period the world over.

Simulates the construction of scientific journal publications, including authors, references, contents and peer review. Also simulates collective learning on a fitness landscape. Described in: Watts, Christopher & Nigel Gilbert (forthcoming) “Does cumulative advantage affect collective learning in science? An agent-based simulation”, Scientometrics.

Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

econgame | Published Wednesday, January 27, 2010 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013


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