Computational Model Library

Displaying 10 of 35 results for "Rallou Thomopoulos" clear search

Model of diffusion of vegetarian diets coupling ABM and argumentation framework

This generic agent-based model simulates the evolution of agent’s opinions through their exchange of arguments.
The idea behind this model is to explicitly represent the process of mental deliberation of agents from arguments to an opinion, through the use of Dung’s argumentation framework complemented by a structured description of arguments. An application of the model on the diffusion of vegetarian diets is proposed.

The MeReDiem model aims to simulate the effect of socio-agricultural practices of farmers and pastors on the food sustainability and soil fertility of a serrer village, in Senegal. The model is a central part of a companion modeling and exploration approach, described in a paper, currently under review)

The village population is composed of families (kitchens). Kitchens cultivate their land parcels to feed their members, aiming for food security at the family level. On a global level , the village tries to preserve the community fallow land as long as possible.

Kitchens sizes vary depending on the kitchens food production, births and migration when food is insufficient.


Andre Costopoulos | Published Tuesday, September 03, 2019 | Last modified Friday, January 31, 2020

Extension of Pluchino et al.’s 2018 success vs talent model, to allow talented individuals to mitigate unlucky events.

Peer reviewed DogFoxCDVspillover

Aniruddha Belsare Matthew Gompper | Published Thursday, March 16, 2017 | Last modified Tuesday, April 04, 2017

The purpose of this model is to better understand the dynamics of a multihost pathogen in two host system comprising of high densities of domestic hosts and sympatric wildlife hosts susceptible to the pathogen.

WWHW is an agent-based model designed to allow the exploration of the emergence, resilience and evolution of cooperative behaviours in hunter-fisher-gatherer societies.


Gudrun Wallentin | Published Tuesday, April 21, 2020 | Last modified Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Model of the Corona pandemic outbreak

The COVID-19 ABM aims to predict the qualitative behaviour of the CoViD-19 epidemic dynamics for the greater region of Salzburg City. Specifically, by means of scenario testing, it aims to help assessing how containment interventions can allow a stepwise relaxation of the lockdown without risking a new outbreak.

A test-bed ecological model

Bruce Edmonds | Published Sunday, May 04, 2014 | Last modified Wednesday, May 15, 2019

This is a multi-patch meta-population ecological model. It intended as a test-bed in which to test the impact of humans with different kinds of social structure.

A modified model of breeding synchrony in colonial birds

James Millington | Published Tuesday, June 26, 2012 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

This generic individual-based model of a bird colony shows how the influence neighbour’s stress levels synchronize the laying date of neighbours and also of large colonies. The model has been used to demonstrate how this form of simulation model can be recognised as being ‘event-driven’, retaining a history in the patterns produced via simulated events and interactions.

Hominin Ecodynamics v.1.1 (update for perception and interaction)

C Michael Barton | Published Wednesday, August 15, 2012 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

Models land-use, perception, and biocultural interactions between two forager populations.

Displaying 10 of 35 results for "Rallou Thomopoulos" clear search

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