Computational Model Library

Displaying 10 of 19 results for "Nicolas Salliou" clear search

Model of diffusion of vegetarian diets coupling ABM and argumentation framework

This generic agent-based model simulates the evolution of agent’s opinions through their exchange of arguments.
The idea behind this model is to explicitly represent the process of mental deliberation of agents from arguments to an opinion, through the use of Dung’s argumentation framework complemented by a structured description of arguments. An application of the model on the diffusion of vegetarian diets is proposed.

Neminem laedere: Socially damaging behaviours and how to contain them

Nicola Lettieri | Published Wednesday, June 23, 2010 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

First version of the model “Neminem laedere. Socially damaging behaviours and how to contain them” by Domenico Parisi and Nicola Lettieri

Location Analysis Hybrid ABM

Lukasz Kowalski | Published Friday, February 08, 2019

The purpose of this hybrid ABM is to answer the question: where is the best place for a new swimming pool in a region of Krakow (in Poland)?

The model is well described in ODD protocol, that can be found in the end of my article published in JASSS journal (available online: ). Comparison of this kind of models with spatial interaction ones, is presented in the article. Before developing the model for different purposes, area of interest or services, I recommend reading ODD protocol and the article.

I published two films on YouTube that present the model: ,


Nicholas Mark Gotts J Gary Polhill | Published Friday, July 29, 2016

CEDSS is an agent-based model of domestic energy demand at the level of a small community.

Token Foraging in a Commons Dilemma

Nicholas Radtke | Published Monday, August 31, 2009 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

The model aims to mimic the observed behavior of participants in spatially explicit dynamic commons experiments.

FLOSSSim: An Agent-Based Model of the Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) Development Process

Nicholas Radtke | Published Saturday, December 31, 2011 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

An agent-based model of the Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) development process designed around agents selecting FLOSS projects to contribute to and/or download.

Next generation of the CHALMS model applied to a coastal setting to investigate the effects of subjective risk perception and salience decision-making on adaptive behavior by residents.

This study investigates a possible nexus between inter-group competition and intra-group cooperation, which may be called “tribalism.” Building upon previous studies demonstrating a relationship between the environment and social relations, the present research incorporates a social-ecological model as a mediating factor connecting both individuals and communities to the environment. Cyclical and non-cyclical fluctuation in a simple, two-resource ecology drive agents to adopt either “go-it-alone” or group-based survival strategies via evolutionary selection. Novelly, this simulation employs a multilevel selection model allowing group-level dynamics to exert downward selective pressures on individuals’ propensity to cooperate within groups. Results suggest that cooperation and inter-group conflict are co-evolved in a triadic relationship with the environment. Resource scarcity increases inter-group competition, especially when resources are clustered as opposed to widely distributed. Moreover, the tactical advantage of cooperation in the securing of clustered resources enhanced selective pressure on cooperation, even if that implies increased individual mortality for the most altruistic warriors. Troubling, these results suggest that extreme weather, possibly as a result of climate change, could exacerbate conflict in sensitive, weather-dependent social-ecologies—especially places like the Horn of Africa where ecologically sensitive economic modalities overlap with high-levels of diversity and the wide-availability of small arms. As well, global development and foreign aid strategists should consider how plans may increase the value of particular locations where community resources are built or aid is distributed, potentially instigating tribal conflict. In sum, these factors, interacting with pre-existing social dynamics dynamics, may heighten inter-ethnic or tribal conflict in pluralistic but otherwise peaceful communities.

For special issue submission in JASSS.

An economic agent-based model of Coupled Housing and Land Markets (CHALMS) simulates the location choices, insurance purchasing decisions, and risk perceptions of coastal residents, and how coastal risks are capitalized (or not) into coastal housing and land markets.

Displaying 10 of 19 results for "Nicolas Salliou" clear search

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