
Displaying 3 of 3 results self-organization clear search

Gert Hofstede Member since: Wed, Mar 05, 2014 at 09:05 PM


My research focuses on using generic social science in creating models of social reality, in particular self-organization of social systems.

Shelby Manney Member since: Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 08:20 PM

BA - English, BS - Anthropology (Archaeoinformatics - GIS, Applied Stats, Data Mang.,CRM CERT), BFA - Music, BA - Writing & Rhetoric, MA - Technical, Professional, & Science Writing (TPSW - Cert), MS - Cultural Studies in Applied Sciences (Philosophy of Science - Archaeology/Semiotics Focus), MA - Anthropology

General Question:
Without Central Control is self organization possible?

Specific Case:

Considering the seemingly preplanned, densely aggregated communities of the prehistoric Puebloan Southwest, is it possible that without centralized authority (control), that patches of low-density communities dispersed in a bounded landscape could quickly self-organize and construct preplanned, highly organized, prehistoric villages/towns?

Önder Gürcan Member since: Mon, Mar 02, 2009 at 09:30 AM Full Member

PhD, Artificial Intelligence, Paul Sabatier University, PhD, Computer Engineering, Ege University

I work as a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Modeling Social Systems (CMSS) at the Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE) sinde 2023. Before, I worked as an Expert Research Engineer at the CEA LIST Institute, Paris-Saclay University in France from 2013 to 2023. I hold a PhD in Artificial Intelligence degree from the Paul Sabatier University (France) and a PhD in Computer Engineering degree from the Ege University (Turkey).

I work in the field of complex adaptive systems, specializing in multi-agent systems, simulation, machine learning, collective intelligence, self-organization, and self-adaptation. I am interested in contributing to innovative projects and research in these domains.

My experience spans across multiple large-scale international research projects in areas such as green urban logistics, blockchain for nuclear applications, autonomous robotics systems and simulation of biological neural networks.

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