Displaying 10 of 96 results Agent-based modeling clear search
Modeling and simulation of future impacts of information and communication technologies on environmental sustainability using agent based modeling and system dynamics
Main Research Topics :
1) Agent-based Modeling (Communication between agents)
2) Economic and Econometric Algorithms and Software Development
3) Optimal International Trade Configuration
I am major in Management Science and Engineering. My interests lie in agent-based modeling, collective intelligence, knowledge diffusion, and cooperation evolution.
Currently Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Colorado Colorado Springs. I took my first modelling class in Repast with Dr. Mark Lake as part of my M. Sc. at UCL. After a workshop with Dr. Luke Premo and Dr. Anne Kandler, I moved to NetLogo and haven’t looked back.
Find our recent textbook, Agent-based modeling for Archaeology: Simulating the Complexity of Societies here: https://santafeinstitute.github.io/ABMA/
I’m researching agent-based modeling from a social perspective – to see how people
Agent-based modeling of human behaviour; virtual experiments
Secondary education, agent-based modeling and computational science in education
I am working on agent-based modeling, and more precisely on the development of tools to help people (in particular non computer scientists) to develop their own models. I am one of the main developer of the GAMA platform.
agent-based modeling
social science simulation
computational economics
Displaying 10 of 96 results Agent-based modeling clear search