Displaying 10 of 10 results agent-based model (abm) clear search
Join this intensive 1 week course to build your own ABM, analyze your specific case with experts, practice advanced techniques, and plan the next steps for your own fully functional model.
The 1st NHR Conference, that will bring together users of High
Performance Computing (HPC) on September 18./19. 2023 in Berlin, has a
track on Agent-based Simulation. There will be talks in this […]
Jointly organized by the Behave Lab, University of Milan, and the University of Brescia, the 10th edition of this school aims to train students on agent-based modeling by theoretical and practica[…]
Previous seminar
2020: Seminar in Maternal-Infant Relationship Studies: Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence March 7 and 9, 2020 | 9:00 am to 5:00 pm | ICBS, UFRGS,8888 Porto Alegre, Brazil https://sites.google.com/view/envermiguel/seminar-in-maternal-infant-relationship-studies
“Agent Based Modelling for Resilience - Making it happen” is the joint ESSA / DeSIRE Summer School aimed at working on resilience of complex systems.
“Z_GIS online compact” are academic short courses that are delivered online by the University of Salzburg, Austria. One course lasts for three months and is worth 6 ECTS credits, according to the[…]
Agent-Based Models in Philosophy: Prospects and Limitations
March 20-22, 2019
Institute for Philosophy II, Ruhr-University Bochum
Winter School on „Spatial Simulation Modelling“ in Salzburg (Austria), from 13. to 22. Feb. 2019
Complex problems need adequate approaches. In this winter school, you will learn how to desig[…]
CSS2018 is the annual conference of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas (CSSSA), meeting in Santa Fe since 2011.
The workshop is aimed in particular at people who conduct social simulations using agent-based modelling.
The opportunity is offered to present own research projects and to discuss them with the plenum.
Our keynote speakers are László Gulyás, William Rand and Iris Lorscheid.
Detailed information is available on our homepage: https://www.uni-muenster.de/GK-Vertrauen-Kommunikation/abm-workshop/abm-workshop.html