
Displaying 10 of 92 results agent-based-modeling clear

Colin Wren Member since: Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 07:01 PM Full Member

B.A., Anthropology, McGill University, M.Sc., GIS and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology, University College London, Ph.D., Archaeology, McGill University

Currently Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Colorado Colorado Springs. I took my first modelling class in Repast with Dr. Mark Lake as part of my M. Sc. at UCL. After a workshop with Dr. Luke Premo and Dr. Anne Kandler, I moved to NetLogo and haven’t looked back.

Find our recent textbook, Agent-based modeling for Archaeology: Simulating the Complexity of Societies here:

Farzaneh Davari Member since: Tue, Oct 09, 2018 at 12:18 PM Full Member

Farzaneh Davari is a social science researcher who has worked in many diverse fields, including agriculture, conflict, health, and human rights, just to name a few. Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate in Computational Social Science, focusing on social-ecological complex systems and applying computational science and Agent-Based Modeling to understand resilience procedure through self-organizing and learning. Meanwhile, she is a designer and instructor of the online graduate level course of Decision-making in Complex Environments in Virginia Tech.

Social-ecological complex system, resilience-building, conflictual environment

Angelos Chliaoutakis Member since: Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 01:00 PM

Ph.D., Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Greece

Angelos Chliaoutakis received his PhD in Electronic & Computer Engineering in 2020 at Technical University of Crete (TUC), Greece. During 2005-2020 he was a research assistant at the Intelligent Systems Laboratory of TUC, participating in several research projects associated with NLP, semantic similarity and ontology based information systems. Since 2010 he is also a research assistant at the Laboratory of Geophysical - Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeo-environment (GeoSat ReSeArch Lab) of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of Foundation for Research and Technology (IMS-FORTH), were he is involved in various research projects related to the full-stack development of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), web-based GIS applications and Geoinformatics in the cultural and archaeological domain. This ultimately transformed his interest and research direction towards computational archaeology, in particular, agent-based modeling and simulation, while intertwining ideas and approaches from Artificial Intelligence, Multi-agent Systems and GIS.

Research activities range between Computer Science, Information Systems and Natural Language Processing (NLP), Agent-based modeling/simulation (ABM), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and Geographical Information Science (GIScience).

Leonardo Grando Member since: Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 03:01 PM

Technology Ph.D Student, Technology Ms.C.

Leonardo Grando is a Ph.D. Student at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil. I am interested in complex systems, agent-based simulation, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, programming, and machine learning tools. I have expertise in Netlogo, Python, R, Latex, SQL, and Linux tools.

My Ph.D. work project is an IoT devices (UAVs) swarm agent-based modeling simulation (ABMS) aiming the perpetual flight. The workflow is Netlogo to ABMS simulate, Python and R to data analysis, and I use Latex for my thesis writing.

  • Agent-Based Simulation
  • Machine Learning
  • UAVs
  • Drones
  • Swarms

Saeed Moradi Member since: Thu, Jun 04, 2020 at 07:39 PM

Dr. Saeed Moradi received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. Saeed has 11+ years of experience in research, policymaking, housing sector, construction management, and structural engineering. His career developed his enthusiasm for the enhancement of post-disaster recovery plans. Through his research on disaster recovery, community resilience, and human-centered complex systems, Saeed aims to bridge the gap between social sciences and civil/infrastructure engineering.

Community and Infrastructure Resilience
Disaster Recovery
Complex Systems Modeling
Agent-Based Modeling
System Dynamics
Machine Learning
Pattern Recognition
Data Mining
Spatial Analysis and Modeling
Construction Management
Building Information Modeling

Dawn Parker Member since: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 05:05 PM Full Member Reviewer

PhD, Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Davis

Dr. Dawn Parker is a professor at the University of Waterloo in the School of Planning. Her research focuses on the development of integrated socio-economic and biophysical models of land-use change. Dr. Parker works with agent-based modeling, complexity theory, geographic information systems, and environmental and resource economics. Her current ongoing projects include Waterloo Area Regional Model (WARM) Urban intensification vs. suburban flight, a SSHRC funded development grant that explores the causal relationships between light rail transit and core-area intensification, and the Digging into Data MIRACLE (Mining relationships among variables in large datasets from complex systems) project.

William Rand Member since: Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at 05:11 PM Full Member Reviewer

PhD, Computer Science, University of Michigan, Certificate of Study, Center for the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan, MS, Computer Science, University of Michigan, BS, Computer Science, Michigan State University, BA, Philosophy, Michigan State University

The big picture question driving my research is how do complex systems of interactions among individuals / agents result in emergent properties and how do those emergent properties feedback to affect individual / agent decisions. I have explored this big picture question in a number of different contexts including the evolution of cooperation, suburban sprawl, traffic patterns, financial systems, land-use and land-change in urban systems, and most recently social media. For all of these explorations, I employ the tools of complex systems, most importantly agent-based modeling.

My current research focus is on understanding the dynamics of social media, examining how concepts like information, authority, influence and trust diffuse in these new media formats. This allows us to ask questions such as who do users trust to provide them with the information that they want? Which entities have the greatest influence on social media users? How do fads and fashions arise in social media? What happens when time is critical to the diffusion process such as an in a natural disaster? I have employed agent-based modeling, machine learning, geographic information systems, and network analysis to understand and start to answer these questions.

Lisa Gajary Member since: Sat, Mar 05, 2016 at 04:48 PM

Master of Arts, Doctoral Candidate in Public Affairs

As publically funded science has become increasingly complex, the policy and management literature has begun to focus more attention on how science is structured and organized. My research interests reside at the nexus of science and technology policy, organizational theory, and complexity theory—I am interested in how the management and organization of S&T research influences the implementation of policies and the emergence of organizational strategies and innovation. Although my research involves the use of multiple qualitative and quantitative methods, I rely heavily on agent based modeling and system dynamics approaches in addressing my research questions.

Kasper Lange Member since: Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 02:44 PM Full Member

After graduating at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft, Kasper Lange started working as a Research and Development Engineer in the manufacturing Industry. After a couple of years he decided to dedicate his career to Sustainable Engineering research and education at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS). In 2015 he received a scholarship from AUAS to start a PhD research project on Design Research for Industrial Symbiosis in Urban Agriculture. Since march 2017, the project is also financed by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO, project number 023.009.037)

Agent-based modeling, Participatory modeling, Socio-technical systems, Complexity, Sustainability, Circular Economy, Design Science, Action research.

Andrew Gillreath-Brown Member since: Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 03:42 PM Full Member

A.S., Pre-Engineering, Wallace State Community College, B.S., Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Freed-Hardeman University, B.A., Religious Studies, Freed-Hardeman University, B.A., Anthropology, Middle Tennessee State University, M.S., Applied Geography: Environmental Archaeology, University of North Texas

I am a computational archaeologist interested in how individuals and groups respond to both large scale processes such as climate change and local processes such as violence and wealth inequality. I am currently a PhD Candidate in the Department of Anthropology at Washington State University.

My dissertation research focuses on experimenting with paleoecological data (e.g., pollen) to assess whether or not different approaches are feasible for paleoclimatic field reconstructions. In addition, I will also use pollen data to generate vegetation (biome) reconstructions. By using tree-ring and pollen data, we can gain a better understanding of the paleoclimate and the spatial distribution of vegetation communities and how those changed over time. These data can be used to better understand changes in demography and how people responded to environmental change.

In Summer 2019, I attended the Santa Fe Institute’s Complex Systems Summer School, where I got to work in a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary international scientific community. For one of my projects, I got to merry my love of Sci-fi with complexity and agent-based modeling. Sci-fi agent-based modeling is an anthology and we wanted to build a community of collaborators for exploring sci-fi worlds. We also have an Instagram page (@Scifiabm).

Displaying 10 of 92 results agent-based-modeling clear

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