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This event aims to discuss advances in infant attachment and the mother-infant relationship at the neural and behavioral scales, combining experimental data with computational models from a complex systems approach. Challenges related to this integration will be presented at the end of the event.
Previous seminar
2020: Seminar in Maternal-Infant Relationship Studies: Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence March 7 and 9, 2020 | 9:00 am to 5:00 pm | ICBS, UFRGS,8888 Porto Alegre, Brazil https://sites.google.com/view/envermiguel/seminar-in-maternal-infant-relationship-studies
Seminar in Maternal Infant Relationship Studies: Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence
Determine the neural pathways by which the nervous system of the neonates establish attachment with their mothers is a problem that has motivated hypothesis and experiments at several scale levels, from neurotransmission to ethological level.
Discuss challenges and a roadmap for the integration of experimental studies and complex system simulation.