Computational Model Library

Displaying 10 of 59 results emergence clear search

A Replication of Rolf Zieglers Kula Ring Simulation

Rhian Stotts | Published Tuesday, December 16, 2008 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

This model is a simulation of the ceremonial exchange network in Papua New Guinea called the Kula Ring. In the Kula Ring, there are two types of gifts that travel in opposite directions: armshells co

A spatial prisoner’s dilemma model with mobile agents, de-coupled birth-death events, and harsh environments.

Prisoner's Dilemma Game on Complex Networks with Agents' Adaptive Expectations

Bo Xianyu | Published Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

This model studies the effect of the agents’ adaptive expectation on cooperation frequency in the prisoner’s dilemma game in complex networks from an agent based approach. The model is implemented in Repast simphony 1.2.

This model studies the emergence and dynamics of generalized trust. It does so by modeling agents that engage in trust games and, based on their experience, slowly determine whether others are, in general, trustworthy.


S Greeven | Published Monday, February 29, 2016

A theoretical model of the emergence of climate mitigation - a two-level game theoretic representation

We used our model to test how different combinations of dominance interactions present in H. saltator could result in linear, despotic, or shared hierarchies.

Intra-Organizational Bandwagon

Davide Secchi | Published Sunday, October 18, 2015

The model simulates the process of widespread diffusion of something due to popularity (i.e., bandwagon) within an organization.

AMMA: Agent-based Model of the Media Arena

Annie Waldherr | Published Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The AMMA simulates how news waves emerge in the mass media. Drawing on the ideas of public arena models and issue-attention cycles, it represents fundamental principles of public communication in a virtual media system.

This is the final version of the model. To simulate the normative dynamics we used the EmIL (EMergence In the Loop) Framework which was kindly provided by Ulf Lotzmann.

The model explores the emergence of inequality in cognitive and socio-emotional skills at the societal level within and across generations that results from differences in parental investment behavior during childhood and adolescence.

Displaying 10 of 59 results emergence clear search

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