
Displaying 10 of 34 results urban clear

Onur Özgün Member since: Mon, Sep 09, 2013 at 02:30 PM

PhD in Industrial Engineering, MS in Industrial Engineering, BS in Industrial Engineering

Simulation games, systemic complexity, learning, business cycles, and discrete-event simulation, modeling sustainability challenges in urban context.

Timothy Dennehy Member since: Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 09:03 PM

BA Psychology, MA Anthropology

Prehistoric archaeology of hunter-gatherer societies in Mesoamerica and American Southeast; comparative analysis of urban form and service provision; social inequality; complex adaptive systems; cultural evolution.

Emily Minor Member since: Fri, Aug 07, 2020 at 10:47 PM Full Member

I received a PhD in Ecology from Duke University in 2006. I have been a faculty member in the Department of Biological Sciences at University of Illinois Chicago since 2008

urban ecology, socio-ecological systems, human-environment interactions, landscape ecology

Christopher Parrett Member since: Sun, Oct 20, 2019 at 02:06 PM Full Member

I am a lowly civil servant moonlighting as a PhD student interested in urban informatics, Smart Cities, artificial intelligence/machine learning, all-things geospatial and temporal, advanced technologies, agent-based modeling, and social complexity… and enthusiastically trying to find a combination thereof to form a disseration. Oh… and I would like to win the lottery.

  • Applied data science (machine/deep learning applications) and computational modeling (agent-based
    modeling) in U.S. Government
  • Geographic Information Systems and analysis of dense urban environments and complex terrain
  • Complexity theory and computational organizational design of distributed enterprise teams.
  • Human Capital Management and Talent Management policy development

Nicholas Magliocca Member since: Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 03:35 PM

Ph.D. in Geography and Environmental Systems, Master's in Environmental Management (M.E.M.), B.S. in Environmental Systems

My research focuses on building a systemic understanding of coupled human-natural systems. In particular, I am interested in understanding how patterns of land-use and land-cover change emerge from human alterations of natural processes and the resulting feedbacks. Study systems of interest include those undergoing agricultural to urban conversion, typically known as urban sprawl, and those in which protective measures, such as wildfire suppression or flood/storm impact controls, can lead to long-term instability.

Dynamic agent- and process-based simulation models are my primary tools for studying human and natural systems, respectively. My past work includes the creation of dynamic, process-based simulation models of the wildland fires along the urban-wildland interface (UWI), and artificial dune construction to protect coastal development along a barrier island coastline. My current research involves the testing, refinement, extension of an economic agent-based model of coupled housing and land markets (CHALMS), and a new project developing a generalized agent-based model of land-use change to explore local human-environmental interactions globally.

Moira Zellner Member since: Fri, Dec 06, 2013 at 04:16 AM Full Member

PhD, Urban and Regional Planning, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Moira Zellner’s academic background lies at the intersection of Urban and Regional Planning, Environmental Science, and Complexity. She has served as Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator in interdisciplinary projects examining how specific policy, technological and behavioral factors influence the emergence and impacts of a range of complex socio-ecological systems problems, where interaction effects make responsibilities, burdens, and future pathways unclear. Her research also examines how participatory complex systems modeling with stakeholders and decision-makers can support collaborative policy exploration, social learning, and system-wide transformation. Moira has taught a variety of workshops on complexity-based modeling of socio-ecological systems, for training of both scientists and decision-makers in the US and abroad. She has served the academic community spanning across the social and natural sciences, as reviewer of journals and grants and as a member of various scientific organizations. She is dedicated to serving the public through her engaged research and activism.

Applications of agent-based modeling to urban and environmental planning
Participatory modeling

Sudhira Hs Member since: Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 06:29 PM Full Member Reviewer

PhD, Master of Science

Sudhira’s research has been primarily on urban land-use and land cover change studies exploring their consequences on environmental sustainability and understanding their inter-relationship with transportation. His broader research addresses the evolution and growth of towns and cities invoking complexity sciences, understanding planning practices and studying the effect of varied governance structures.

Shipeng Sun Member since: Mon, Sep 09, 2013 at 08:52 PM Full Member Reviewer


SHIPENG SUN is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Science at Hunter College and the Earth and Environmental Sciences Program at Graduate Center, The City University of New York, New York, NY 10065. E-mail: [email protected].

Sociospatial network analysis, geovisualization, GIS algorithms, agent-based complexity modeling, human–environment systems, and urban geography

Carole Adam Member since: Fri, Feb 03, 2017 at 02:58 PM

PhD in Artificial Intelligence
  • Since 2010: Associate Professor in Artificial Intelligence at Grenoble-Alpes University. Topic: human behaviour modelling, with a particular focus on emotions, cognitive biases, and their interplay with decision-making; social simulations and serious games for raising awareness about natural disasters and sustainable development, or for increasing civil engagement in urban planning.
  • 2008-2010: postdoctoral research fellow at RMIT, Melbourne, Australia. Supervisor: Lin Padgham. Topic: interactive intelligent emotional toy.
  • 2007-2008: research engineer at Orange Labs, Lannion, France. Supervisor: Vincent Louis. Topic: institutional logic in JADE for agent-based B2B mediation.
  • 2007: PhD in AI from Toulouse University. Supervisors: Andreas Herzig and Dominique Longin. Topic: logical modelling of emotions in BDI for artificial agents.

Improving agent models and architectures for agent-based modelling and simulation applied to crisis management. In particular modelling of BDI agents, emotions, cognitive biases, social attachment, etc.

Designing serious games to increase awareness about climate change or natural disasters; to improve civil engagement in sustainable urban planning; to teach Artificial Intelligence to the general public; to explain social phenomena (voting procedures; sanitary policies; etc).

Önder Gürcan Member since: Mon, Mar 02, 2009 at 09:30 AM Full Member

PhD, Artificial Intelligence, Paul Sabatier University, PhD, Computer Engineering, Ege University

I work in the field of complex adaptive systems, specializing in multi-agent systems, simulation, machine learning, collective intelligence, self-organization, and self-adaptation. I am interested in contributing to innovative projects and research in these domains.

My experience spans across multiple large-scale international research projects in areas such as green urban logistics, blockchain for nuclear applications, autonomous robotics systems and simulation of biological neural networks.

Displaying 10 of 34 results urban clear

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