
Displaying 10 of 18 results risk clear

Javed Ali Member since: Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 03:24 PM Full Member

Flood Risk Management, Coupled Human-Natural System Modelling, Socio-hydrological Modelling, Agent-Based Modelling, Human Behaviour Modelling, Agent-Based Social Simulation, Hydrological and Hydraulic Modeling, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Mapping, Risk Modelling and Risk Visualization, Disaster Risk Reduction

v.mojtahed Member since: Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 08:23 AM

PhD, Economics

Agent based modeling, Environmental economics, Risk analysis

troukny Member since: Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 10:02 AM

Civil Engineer in Computer Science

Using the Complex System science paradigm to open new ways of assessing the Systemic Risk in Financial Systems

emaille Member since: Fri, Feb 03, 2012 at 12:49 PM

Ph D.

Land cover changes spatial agents based modelling
Forest fire risk modelling
Geographical information based modelling
Decision support for land planning

Jorge Chan-Lau Member since: Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 02:21 AM

Ph.D., Columbia University, Graduate School of Business, M.Phil., Columbia University, Graduate School of Business, B.S., Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru

ABM of financial markets, focused on systemic risk.

Arpan Jani Member since: Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 08:13 PM

Arpan Jani received his PhD in Business Administration from the University of Minnesota in 2005. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at the University of Wisconsin – River Falls. His current research interests include agent-based modeling, information systems and decision support, behavioral ethics, and judgment & decision making under conditions of risk and uncertainty.

agent-based modeling; behavioral ethics; information systems and decision support; project management; judgment & decision making under conditions of risk and uncertainty.

Jagoda Anna Kaszowska Member since: Tue, Mar 05, 2019 at 03:10 PM Full Member

Ph.D., Finance

Postdoctoral researcher at Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences and in Macroprudential Research Division at National Bank of Poland. She graduated in Mathematics (Jagiellonian University, Poland) and in Economics (University of Alcala, Spain). In 2017 she obtained Fulbright Advanced Research Award. In the United States, she carried out research on systemic risk and complex systems. Her doctoral dissertation was about the measurement and modeling of systemic risk using simulation methods and complex systems approach (the results to be published by Palgrave Macmillan US). Previously, she gained experience on agent-based modeling while working with Juan Luis Santos on the European Commission FP 7 MOSIPS project (

Mathematics, complex systems, financial modeling, agent-based modeling, econometrics, macroprudential policies, systemic risk, cental banking

Gerardo Ferrara Member since: Mon, May 10, 2010 at 01:28 PM

I am a Senior Economist in the Capital Markets Division of the Bank of England. I have a PhD in Economics from the joint program at Vilfredo Pareto Doctorate in Economics (University of Turin) and Collegio Carlo Alberto, where I’ve taught graduate level economic courses. Prior to joining the Bank of England, I also worked in the private sector as a quantitative analyst on issues related to different areas including asset management, risk management, and policy implementation.

My interests lie in the areas of market structure, macroprudential and microprudential policies and their interactions, international macroeconomics, political economy, international financial integration, banking, and systemic risk.

Fabian Adelt Member since: Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 10:17 AM

Computer Studies, Diploma-Degree

Fabian Adelt graduated in computer-sciences with a minor in sociology of technology (degree: Diplom-Informatiker) at TU Dortmund University in 2011. Currently, he is research fellow at the Technology Studies Group and involved in the project “Collaborative Data- and Risk-Management in Future Grids – A Simulation Study” (KoRiSim). Between 2012 and 2015 he worked on the project “Mixed Modes of Governance as a Means of Risk Management in Complex Systems” (RiskSim). His research interests entail agent-based modelling and simulating of socio-technical systems, especially focussing on governance issues and actors’ reactions on interventions. Experience covers the fields of mobility and energy.

Arika Ligmann-Zielinska Member since: Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 04:06 PM Full Member Reviewer


I am a spatial (GIS) agent-based modeler i.e. modeler that simulates the impact of various individual decisions on the environment. My work is mainly methodological i.e. I develop tools that make agent-based modeling (ABM) easier to do. I especially focus on developing tools that allow for evaluating various uncertainties in ABM. One of these uncertainties are the ways of quantifying agent decisions (i.e. the algorithmic representation of agent decision rules) for example to address the question of “How do the agents decide whether to grow crops or rather put land to fallow?”. One of the methods I developed focuses on representing residential developers’ risk perception for example to answer the question: “to what extent is the developer risk-taking and would be willing to build new houses targeted at high-income families (small market but big return on investment)?”. Other ABM uncertainties that I evaluate are various spatial inputs (e.g. different representations of soil erosion, different maps of environmental benefits from land conservation) and various demographics (i.e. are retired farmers more willing to put land to conservation?). The tools I develop are mostly used in (spatial) sensitivity analysis of ABM (quantitative, qualitative, and visual).

Displaying 10 of 18 results risk clear

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