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This person will help design, develop, communicate and apply bird sub-models of an Agent Based Model to simulate effects of interacting stressors on least bells vireos (an endangered bird species found in southern California). This video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0DQPcSk-Qg) provides a 1/2 hour project summary. Ideal candidates will be familiar with ABM and have strong scientific writing skills. Questions can be directed to Dr. Pat Zollner.
The médialab at Sciences Po is hiring a Postdoctoral Researcher to work on mathematical modeling of political opinions, interactions in online social platforms, and algorithmic recommendations.
The offered position is part of the AI-Political Machines project, funded by the McCourt Institute, a research center established at Sciences Po in Paris and Georgetown University in Washington DC, devoted to conducting research tackling the challenges of the Internet, Artificial Intelligence, and th[…]
This postdoc will work with all collaborators under the direction of Dr. Pat Zollner to develop an Agent Based Model of the behaviors of cage free chickens. This work will be informed by extensive empirical work and will use ODD & TRACE for documentation to compare alternative cage free housing systems based on chicken welfare and laying of eggs outside nest boxes. Work will incorporate perspectives from industry as well as interested non-governmental organizations.
This postdoc will help design, develop and apply an Agent Based Model simulating the effects of stressors on least bells vireos (an endangered bird species found in southern California). A project overview can be found here (https://serdp-estcp.org/projects/details/89fdcf5b-0c44-41f9-af97-fd1d45908863/rc22-3216-project-overview) and this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0DQPcSk-Qg) provides a 1/2 hour project summary. Questions can be directed to Dr. Pat Zollner using [email protected].
This postdoc will help design, develop and apply an Agent Based Model simulating the effects of stressors on least bells vireos (an endangered bird species found in southern California). A project overview can be found here (https://serdp-estcp.org/projects/details/89fdcf5b-0c44-41f9-af97-fd1d45908863/rc22-3216-project-overview) and this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0DQPcSk-Qg) provides a 1/2 hour project summary. Questions can be directed to Dr. Pat Zollner using [email protected].
$27,082 min per annum – Tax Free Scholarship Award, and a tuition waiver fee for qualified candidates.
Three Open Topic Positions
Center on Persuasive Systems for Wise Adaptive living (PER[…]