Displaying 10 of 60 results student clear search
The Summer Visiting Scholar Program is open to graduate students interested in spending up to 6 weeks at the CSDMS Integration Facility at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Selected students will be working on their own research and will benefit from mentoring with the CSDMS Research Software Engineers and faculty/staff.
Student Modeling Contest!
What is needed:
A digital copy of one of your relevant thesis chapter or research paper (please do not submit your entire thesis!),
A link to a public repository of your code with an open source license, and technical documentation,
Contact information for your supervisor.
The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University is excited and honored to host the International Congress on Environmental Modelling & Software in 2024.
This workshop introduces agent-based modeling, a method for understanding complex social dynamics by simulating interactions among individual agents. Agent-based modeling allows observing social patterns in computer simulations, enabling students to specify rules for agent behavior. The workshop teaches NetLogo for creating models, enabling students to design, analyze, and visualize social dynamics, incorporating empirical data using statistical tools like R or Python.
The 17th International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation will be held on September 18-20, 2024. Submissions for paper are due 21st July 2024.
Applications are now open for the 2024 OSG School: https://osg-htc.org/school-2024/
Through lectures, discussions, and lots of hands-on activities with experienced OSG staff, you will learn how HTC systems work, how to run and manage lots of jobs and huge datasets to implement a scientific computing workflow, and where to get more information and help.
See full event description for letter of recommendation requirements and application link - applications close April 1st 2024
Invitation to demonstrate your latest developments in agent-based software and robotic systems at the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2024) to be held in Auckland, New Zealand, on May 6-10, 2024.
Interested in learning about the climate system and acquiring computational skills to access, analyze, and visualize climate data? Join Climatematch Academy as a student for our two week virtual program, where you will learn from world-class climate experts and collaborate on team projects with fellow students. Prior experience with climate science is not necessary, however familiarity with a coding language is required.
Jointly organized by the Behave Lab, University of Milan, and the University of Brescia, the 10th edition of this school aims to train students on agent-based modeling by theoretical and practica[…]
CSDMS 2023 Annual Meeting - Patterns and Processes Across Scales
Displaying 10 of 60 results student clear search