Computational Model Library

Displaying 9 of 9 results for "Katia Sycara" clear search

Opinion Dynamics Under Intergroup Conflict Escalation

Meysam Alizadeh Alin Coman Michael Lewis Katia Sycara | Published Friday, March 14, 2014 | Last modified Wednesday, October 29, 2014

We develop an agent-based model to explore the effect of perceived intergroup conflict escalation on the number of extremists. The proposed model builds on the 2D bounded confidence model proposed by Huet et al (2008).


Cara Kahl | Published Friday, July 08, 2011 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

CRESY-I stands for CREativity from a SYstems perspetive, Model I. This is the base model in a series designed to describe a systems approach to creativity in terms of variation, selection and retention (VSR) subprocesses.


Cara Kahl | Published Friday, July 08, 2011 | Last modified Monday, August 04, 2014

CREativity from a SYstems perspective, Model II.

This model simulates different farmers’ decisions and actions to adapt to the water scarce situation. This simulation helps to investigate how farmers’ strategies may impact macro-behavior of the social-ecological system i.e. overall groundwater use change and emigration of farmers. The environmental variables’ behavior and behavioral rules of stakeholders are captured with Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) that is developed with both qualitative and quantitative data, i.e. stakeholders’ knowledge and empirical data from studies. This model have been used to compare the impact of different water scarcity policies on overall groundwater use in a farming community facing water scarcity.

Food Safety Inspection Model - Random Strategy

Sara Mcphee-Knowles | Published Wednesday, March 05, 2014 | Last modified Monday, April 08, 2019

The Inspection Model represents a basic food safety system where inspectors, consumers and stores interact. The purpose of the model is to provide insight into an optimal level of inspectors in a food system by comparing three search strategies.

Food Safety Inspection Model - Stores Signal with Errors

Sara Mcphee-Knowles | Published Wednesday, March 05, 2014 | Last modified Monday, April 08, 2019

The Inspection Model represents a basic food safety system where inspectors, consumers and stores interact. The purpose of the model is to provide insight into an optimal level of inspectors in a food system by comparing three search strategies.

Food Safety Inspection Model - Stores Signal

Sara Mcphee-Knowles | Published Wednesday, March 05, 2014 | Last modified Monday, August 26, 2019

The Inspection Model represents a basic food safety system where inspectors, consumers and stores interact. The purpose of the model is to provide insight into an optimal level of inspectors in a food system by comparing three search strategies.

The purpose of this model is to explore the influence of integrating individuals’ behavioral dynamics in an agent-based model of COVID-19, on the dynamics of disease transmission. The model is an agent-based extention of an established large-scale Individual-based model called STRIDE. Four risk factors determine the individual’s perception of the risk and how they behave accordingly. It is assumed that individuals with higher levels of risk perception adopt higher levels of contact reduction in their daily routines. Individuals can assign different weights to any of the four different risk factors, i.e., the modeler can model different populations and explore how the transmission dynamics vary among them.

A Toy Model for the Abilene Paradox

Victor Sahin | Published Monday, June 17, 2019 | Last modified Sunday, July 14, 2019

This version adds a Maslowian entropy to each agent decision based on Kendrick et. al. Rudimentary implementation assumes agents with lower scores are more likely to make decisions autonomously rather than sociotropically.

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