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My research aims to explore the potential of network science for the archaeological discipline. In my review work I confront the use of network-based methods in the archaeological discipline with their use in other disciplines, especially sociology and physics. In my archaeological work I aim to develop and apply network science techniques that show particular potential for archaeology. This is done through a number of archaeological case-studies: archaeological citation networks, visibility networks in Iron Age and Roman southern Spain, and tableware distribution in the Roman Eastern Mediterranean.
Postdoctoral researcher at Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences and in Macroprudential Research Division at National Bank of Poland. She graduated in Mathematics (Jagiellonian University, Poland) and in Economics (University of Alcala, Spain). In 2017 she obtained Fulbright Advanced Research Award. In the United States, she carried out research on systemic risk and complex systems. Her doctoral dissertation was about the measurement and modeling of systemic risk using simulation methods and complex systems approach (the results to be published by Palgrave Macmillan US). Previously, she gained experience on agent-based modeling while working with Juan Luis Santos on the European Commission FP 7 MOSIPS project (http://www.mosips.eu/).
Mathematics, complex systems, financial modeling, agent-based modeling, econometrics, macroprudential policies, systemic risk, cental banking
Doctor and Magister in Informatics by the Girona University (Spain), Telematics Engineer and Systems Technologist by the Francisco José de Caldas University (Bogotá, Colombia), Specialist in Databases Management, and Specialist in Higher Education. Currently, associate professor and researcher at the Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz (Bogotá, Colombia). Academic leader of the Konrad IA project (IA - Artificial Intelligence). Associated researcher by the science and technology Colombian ministry.
CoMSES.Net is a good community space to share knowledge regarding agent based and computational models that are built based upon a wide variety of contexts (social, political, educational, scientific, biological, etc.). Thus, the CoMSES.Net should be known in all regions around the world. Moreover, as I belong to the Spanish-speaking community, it would be very interesting to publicize what the network does in Spanish-speaking countries.
Research topics: Inmersive Technologies, Educational Technologies, Web Accessibility and Usability, Sematic Web, Artificial Intelligence.
publons.com/researcher/2900535/juan-moises-de-la-serna | orcid.org/0000-0002-8401-8018 |PhD in Psychology US.es and Master in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology UPO.es |Part Time Online Adjunct Faculty UNIR.net |The most read author in Spain in 2020|Expert in Quality Agency for Higher Education of Latvia AIKA.LV |Nowadays, my research focuses on Potential Factors Influencing COVID-19 and Short- & Long-Term Psychological and Neurological complications after SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans
Social change with COVID-19
Professor-Researcher and Consultant in Knowledge Management, Strategy, and Innovation. He received his Ph.D. in Business Management and Organisation from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) and a Postdoctoral in Administration from Universidad de São Paulo (Brazil).
Knowledge Management, Organisational Learning, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Management.
Professor, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Professor, School of Complex Adaptive Systems
Affiliate Professor, School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University
My interests center around long-term human ecology and landscape dynamics with ongoing projects in the Mediterranean (late Pleistocene through mid-Holocene) and recent work in the American Southwest (Holocene-Archaic). I’ve done fieldwork in Spain, Bosnia, and various locales in North America and have expertise in hunter/gatherer and early farming societies, geoarchaeology, lithic technology, and evolutionary theory, with an emphasis on human/environmental interaction, landscape dynamics, and techno-economic change.
Quantitative methods are critical to archaeological research, and socioecological sciences in general. They are an important focus of my research, especially emphasizing dynamic modeling, spatial technologies (including GIS and remote sensing), statistical analysis, and visualization. I am a member of the open source GRASS GIS international development team that is making cutting edge spatial technologies available to researchers and students around the world.
Theoretical Ecology
Ecological Modelling
Anna Sikora is an Associate Professor in the Computer Architecture and Operating System Department at Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).
She got the BS degree in computer science in 1999 from Technical University of Wroclaw (Poland). She got the MSc in computer science in 2001 and in 2004 the PhD in computer science, both from Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain).
Since 1999 her investigation is related to parallel and distributed computing. Her current main interests are focused on high performance parallel applications, performance models, automatic performance analysis and dynamic tuning. She has been involved in programming tools for automatic and dynamic performance tuning on cluster and Grid environments, as well as in exa-scale systems.
High performance parallel computing, parallel applications, performance models, automatic performance analysis, dynamic tuning. Performance tools for automatic and dynamic performance tuning on HPC systems. Agent-based modelling systems.
Dr. Andreu Moreno Vendrell got the BS degree in Telecommunications Engineering in 1995 and the PhD in Telecommunications Engineering in 2000, both from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain). Since 2005 his research is related to parallel and distributed computing. His main interests are focused on high performance parallel applications, automatic performance analysis and dynamic tuning, and agent based simulation systems. He has been involved in the definition of performance models for automatic and dynamic performance tuning and in the development of a new benchmark for agent based frameworks. He is lecturer at the Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, associated college of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is IEEE member.
Agent-based systems