
Displaying 10 of 158 results for 'I Nikolic'

Saeed abdolhoseini Member since: Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 07:22 AM Full Member

This is Saeed Abdolhosseini. I am very interested in the area of agent based modeling and it is about 3 years that I am working on Agent-Based Modeling. I have a good experience of working with Netlogo &Repast simphony & Anylogic. I have developed a few ABM application.

Specialties: Agent-based models of social systems

Agent Based Modeling

Cosimo Leuci Member since: Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 05:16 PM Full Member

I live in Salento, a small land located between two seas in Southeastern Italy. I work as an educator in an adult school. My educational background includes a degree in Life Sciences. During my post-graduate training, I was involved in researching the genetic and molecular responses of cells to environmental and genomic stresses. Currently, I am interested in exploring theoretical biology and complex adaptive systems through agent-based modelling.

Artificial Life, Adaptive Cognition, Evolvability

John Smith Member since: Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 03:41 AM Full Member

Hi, I am John Smith, I am working as a technical manager at email support. I have 3 years of experience in this field. If you have any problems related to the Roadrunner email settings, then please contact us for help related to email problems.

Cj Castillo Member since: Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 06:22 AM Full Member Reviewer

BS Economics, MA Mathematics (currently)

I am interested in modeling social behavior. I have been working in the field of labor economics and industrial relations and how micro-simulations determine aggregate outcomes.

Roberto Gonzalez Member since: Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 01:38 PM Full Member


My name is Roberto and I am a graduate student at The Pennsylvania State University. I am in the “Information Sciences - Cybersecurity and Information Assurance program”, through which I discovered my interest in ABM. I am conducting my capstone research project on how to make ABM more effective in the disaster recovery planning process of IT companies. I am currently looking for interview candidates to conduct my research. If you or anyone you know have experience using ABM for disaster recovery planning in IT or tech, please reach out!

I learned about ABM through the Intelligent Agents course at Penn State, where we modeled everything from terrorist attacks to social relationships. I was immediately interested in ABM due to the potential and capabilities that it provides in so many areas. I hope to make ABM more popular in IT disaster recovery planning through my research, while learning more about ABM myself.

Cyber security
Agent-Based Modeling
Information Technology
Disaster Recovery

Antonio Carvajal-Rodriguez Member since: Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 09:39 AM

PhD genetics, Computer Systems Engineer

I am interested in the interface between biology and computation. I am especially focused on modelling and simulation of evolutionary processes.

Jiaqi Ge Member since: Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 01:12 PM Full Member

I am a University Academic Fellow (UAF) in the School of Geography at the University of Leeds. My research areas are agent-based modelling, decision making in complex systems, AI and multi-agent systems, urban analytics and housing markets. I obtained PhD in Economics from Iowa State University under supervisor Prof. Leigh Tesfatsion in 2014. I worked as a researcher at the James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland between 2014 and 2019. I joined the University of Leeds as a UAF of Urban Analytics in 2019. I am originally from Shanghai, China.

My main research areas are agent-based modelling, urban analytics and complex decision making enabled by AI. I am interested in the bottom-up transition of complex urban systems under major socio-economic and environmental shocks, such as climate change and the fourth industrial revolution. I want to understand how cities as self-organised complex systems respond to external shocks and evolve under a constantly changing environment. In the past, I have looked at various aspects of urban systems, including the housing market, the labour market, transport and energy system. I am also interested in decision making in complex systems. For example, I have studied the decision to become a vegetarian/vegan under social influence. I have also looked at global food trade in a complex trade network and the resulting food and nutrition security. Recently, I am interested in applying AI algorithms especially reinforcement learning in multi-agent systems, including applications of AI in urban adaptation to climate change, housing market dynamics and criminal behaviour in an urban system.

Janwar Moreno Member since: Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 09:47 PM Full Member

I am a researcher with the professional purpose of promoting sustainable citizen empowerment strategies to improve the living conditions of society. I analyze the complex relationships between natural resources and community.

Economics, Resources management, and Planification.

Timothy Waring Member since: Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 07:37 PM Full Member Reviewer

PhD, Human Ecology, University of California, Davis

I study human culture and cooperation in relationship to the environment. In particular, I study how social norms, institutions and societies evolve, and how they are influenced by ecological and social forces. I strive to use this research to learn how to better build durable, sustainable and just institutions and societies. I use experimental economics and agent-based modeling to explore these connections, and work with lot of wonderful people.

Harsha Krishna Member since: Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 12:11 PM Full Member


I develop simulation tools for generating what-if scenarios for decision making. I predominantly use Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) technique as most of my simulations model complex systems. In some cases, I have extended existing tools with modifications to model the given system. Although the tools are meant for research purposes, I have followed industry friendly delivery mechanisms, such as unit-tests, automated builds and delivery on cloud platforms.

  • Agent-Based Modelling
  • Complex Social Systems
  • Gaming-Simulations
  • Health care logistics

Displaying 10 of 158 results for 'I Nikolic'

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