Jobs & Appointments

Displaying 10 of 15 results human behaviour clear search

The University of Idaho CRC invites applications for a Post Doctoral Scientist for interdisciplinary research related to human adaptation to, and perceptions of, climate change. The successful candidate will be part of an interdisciplinary team of social, environmental, and computational scientists, and stakeholders, on a NSF funded 4-year project focused on Local and Place Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Underserved Rural Communities.

Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Kelly Claborn

The research of the post-doc will be focusing at the modeling of human behaviour in selected cases of local social innovation (projects at neighborhood level). The HUMAT framework, developed in an earlier project (SMARTEES, see will be used as architecture for developing a simulated population for selected cases. Empirical data will have to be collected and implemented to construct a valid and representative population. Simulation runs will produce differ[…]

Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Kelly Claborn

The position is opened by the Complex Human Behaviour Lab (CHuB), an interdisciplinary research unit carrying out fundamental and applied research informed by the statistical analysis of large behavioural datasets and aimed at modelling individual behaviour and collective social phenomena using the methods of complexity science, computational social science, and network theory. The topics covered within the unit range from individual decisions, human mobility and transportation to online co[…]

Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Birgit Müller

A three years PhD Position on “Model-based exploration of leverage points to foster sustainable nitrogen management in German agriculture” is offered from June 1, 2022 on with a methodological focus on social-ecological modelling and agent-based modelling at UFZ in Leipzig, Germany..

Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

The Chair of Applied Social- and Health Psychology, headed by Prof. Dr. Urte Scholz, in the Department of Psychology at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) is seeking a postdoctoral researcher (80%), starting 1st of May, 2021 (negotiable), in the area of agent-based computer simulation of social-psychological processes. For more information on our research, see:

The appointment is for two years and financed by the SNSF pro[…]

Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Birgit Müller

We are looking for an enthusiastic Post-Doctoral researcher with a background in computer simulation, agent-based modelling, farmer behavioural modelling or microsimulation to join the BESTMAP team in the University of Leeds and contribute to the development of individual-farm agent-based modelling on farmer decision making, in dealing with challenges in land-use intensification, sustainable agriculture and climate change.

  • Requirements engineering with stakeholders in Germany and South Africa
  • Software design and implementation MARS framework
  • Data integration and visualisation
  • Creating scientific publications and participating in international conferences
  • Creating MARS models (multi-agent simulation)
  • Reporting for project administrators and the BMBF

We would like to draw your attention to an opportunity for junior socio-environmental systems scientists (PhD students and postdocs). The POLISES research group offers several fully funded 3-mont[…]

SMARTEES is a Horizon2020 project aimed at simulating a number of successful social innovations in the energy transition, and developing - together with people in the field - a “sandbox model” to experiment with strategies to stimulate societal change. A total of 11 European partners will work together in this exiting project that will run for 3 years. We hope SMARTEES will make a difference in policy making, addressing the social forces that often are critical in reaching a tipping point […]

We are seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of Socio-Ecological Systems Modelling for a period of 2 years. Based within the School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh, you will join a team of researchers studying the effects of environmental change on land use, the impacts of climate change on rural and urban environments and how people will adapt to these changes. We explore these themes at multiple temporal and spatial scales using different methods such as […]

Displaying 10 of 15 results human behaviour clear search

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