Jobs & Appointments

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Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Patrick Zollner

A PhD position is available in Dr. Pat Zollner’s lab in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University. The PhD student will work collaboratively with a post doc, project Co-PIs, and stakeholders to develop an Agent Based Model to understand how multiple stressors and interactions between those stressors as well as management scenarios impact populations of Least Bell’s Vireo in Southern California.

Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Kelly Claborn

The Center for Mind and Culture (CMAC) is a non-profit research center that innovates creative solutions for urgent social problems. We are committed to a radically interdisciplinary, non-partisan approach, and uniting the humanities, social sciences, and data sciences. CMAC mobilizes an international network of experts to develop cutting-edge tools and disseminate visionary insights to public and professional stakeholders. We aim to deepen understanding of complex adaptive social systems i[…]

In the POLISES group at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ Leipzig, Germany, a three years PhD Position on “Modelling human-environment systems: How to effectively design climate risk instruments?” is offered from April 1, 2022 on with a methodological focus on agent-based modelling.

Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Kelly Claborn

The Laboratory of Agent Based Social Simulation (LABSS) at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) is opening a post-doc position for investigating how social norms emerge and change in on-line communities and the extent to which they affect the debate in the online context, e.g., spreading of misinformation and “fake news”, hate speech, etc. This line of research will contribute to the research agenda of the EU-funded HUMANE-AI […]

Expired Last updated 3 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign seeks a qualified applicant for the position of a full-time, 12 month Postdoctoral Research Associate. This position works closely with faculty to develop an agent-based model to simulate school meal[…]

Research Position Agent-Based Social Simulation

Application deadline 2020-07-31
Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

We are seeking a research assistant for a 6-month contract starting in August 2020.

A goal of the project “Towards More Reliable Predictions: Multi-model Ensembles for Simulating the Corona Pandemic” is to analyse and combine the strengths of individual models into more superior ensembles of simulation models. In addition, we will study how the unique features of Agent-Based Social Simulation (ABSS) models can contribute to better understand the effects of different measures (interventions[…]

Institution: Purdue University, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
Location: West Lafayette, IN

Job Category: Graduate Assistantship

Salary: Year-round funding (full tuition waiver and salary of ~$24,005/year is available as a Graduate Research Assistant (PhD level) in the Forestry and Natural Resources Department at Purdue University. Additional funding is available to support research and to attend conferences and training opportunities.

Pertinent Websites: https://www.purdue[…]

Repast modeler/postdoc

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

In the past weeks we have developed an agent based social simulation for the COVID crisis (ASSOCC). The results are continuously updated on the website of the project: At the moment we have quite a complex model that does a good job to simulate the epidemiological, economic and social effects of the crisis and their dependencies. The model now runs with 1000 agents.
The whole model is built in NetLogo and now reached its limits. In order to move on to scenarios with […]

Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Neil Carter

A postdoctoral research associate is sought in the School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) at the University of Michigan. The successful candidate will assist with 1) developing and implementing agent-based simulations of interactions between humans and wildlife; 2) analyzing and visualizing simulation outputs to share with decision makers; and 3) writing scientific, peer-reviewed publications.

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