Jobs & Appointments

Displaying 7 of 7 results social-ecological modelling clear

Expired Last updated 11 months ago Submitted by Wolfram Barfuss

The BarfussLab seeks a motivated and talented doctoral researcher to join our team in modeling human-environment systems. The position is for three years with the possibility of extension. The successful candidate will work on developing, implementing, and analyzing mathematical models of human-environment interactions at the intersection of complex systems science, multi-agent reinforcement learning, and social-ecological resilience.

In the POLISES group ( at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ Leipzig, Germany a three years PhD Position on “Model-based exploration of leverage points to foster sustainable nitrogen management in German agriculture” is offered from December 1, 2022 on with a methodological focus on social-ecological modelling and agent-based modelling.

The aim of the PhD project is to investigate the effects of policy measures for sustainable nitrogen management of farmers[…]

A three years PhD Position on “Model-based exploration of leverage points
to foster sustainable nitrogen management in German agriculture” is
offered from May 1, 2022 on with a methodological focus on
social-ecological modelling and agent-based modelling.

The aim of the PhD project is to investigate the effects of policy
measures for sustainable nitrogen management of farmers in Germany. This
shall be achieved by developing an integrated model complex that makes
both the socio-economic and[…]

Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Birgit Müller

A three years PhD Position on “Model-based exploration of leverage points to foster sustainable nitrogen management in German agriculture” is offered from June 1, 2022 on with a methodological focus on social-ecological modelling and agent-based modelling at UFZ in Leipzig, Germany..

In the POLISES group at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ Leipzig, Germany, a three years PhD Position on “Modelling human-environment systems: How to effectively design climate risk instruments?” is offered from April 1, 2022 on with a methodological focus on agent-based modelling.

Expired Last updated 6 years ago Submitted by Birgit Müller

We offer a vacancy in the field of social-ecological simulation modelling for synthesis work on pastoral systems.

Expired Last updated 9 years ago Submitted by Birgit Müller

At the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ in Leipzig, Germany (Department of Ecological Modelling) the Junior Research Group “”POLISES - Global food security policies and their social-ecological side effects in regions prone to global change” () funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is established. In this group the following vacancy is offered at the nearest possible date: ## PhD Position (m/f) ## Subject: Social-ecological impacts of financial risk- […]

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