Thoughtless conformity and spread of norms in an artificial society (Grid Model) 1.0.0
This model is based on Joshua Epstein’s (2001) model on development of thoughtless conformity in an artificial society of agents. Epstein’s original model was based on spread of horizontal norms in a horizontal society of agents. Esptein’s (2001) model showed “that individual thought – or computing – is often inversely related to the strength of a social norm. Once a norm is entrenched, we conform thoughtlessly”. Instead of Epstein’s original model, in this model, agents inhabit a torus world (which wraps horizontally and vertically in the shape of a donut). The dimensions of the world are 33 x 33. So, there are a total of 1089 agents in the world. This extension is insightful since it helps the researchers explore whether Epstein’s assumptions about thoughtlessness are valid in other spatial arrangements or just an artifact of his particular spatial configuration. Updating Rules: The updating rules are identical to Epstein’s original model. However, since it is a rectangular layout, agents look in all directions to make a decision.

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