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Displaying 10 of 19 results crop modeling clear search

Expired Last updated 6 months ago Submitted by Allen Lee

The Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture at the University of Tasmania, Australia, seek qualified applicants for two PhD projects. One project aims to integrate spatial technologies with temporal process-based models to improve the spatio-temporal prediction of soil carbon at scale. The second project aims to develop and apply algorithms for process-based models to simulate impacts of crop waterlogging and potential farming systems adaptation options.

We are seeking a motivated and qualified Postdoctoral Researcher to join our team in a research project focused on the Integration of crop models with the 3D unsaturated and saturated zone water and solute transport model to analyze the impact of deficit irrigation and nitrogen management strategies on crops, soil, and groundwater. The crop models used for integration will be the existing process-based models for corn and soybean.

Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Allen Lee

The Columbia University Earth Institute Center for Climate Systems Research (CCSR) is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Scientist to work in the area of global crop modeling and climate change at its Morningside campus in New York City. The Postdoctoral Research Scientist will be part of an international team working to improve the responses of global crop models to atmospheric geoengineering scenarios and other perturbations including nuclear conflict or volcanic eruptions.

Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Allen Lee

The Crop Science Group within the Institute of Crop Science and Research Conservation (INRES) at the University of Bonn is offering a Post-Doc position (E13 TV-L / 100%) for a period of up to 3 years. The Crop Science group at University of Bonn has a strong focus on developing dynamic, process based models for crop and agroecosystem management. The models are used among others to predict impacts of climate or management changes on crop production as well as eco-system services provision.

Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Allen Lee

The University of Southern with funding from the Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils ( is offering one PhD scholarship that will contribute to the analysis, modelling and diagnosis of soil constraints across Australian farming systems. The aim of this project will be develop a soil constraint diagnoses framework that brings together biophysical crop and soil modelling with statistical and artificial intelligence approaches.

Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Allen Lee

SciSpace invites applications for one programmer position at NASA-Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA GISS) to assist in remote sensing and crop modeling for seasonal yield forecasting. Tasks will include the processing of remote sensing, crop model, and weather model data and their combination within data assimilation and forecasting systems. Information about GISS can be found

Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Allen Lee

The agronomic forecasting lab (aka The Dokoohaki Lab - at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, seeks a PhD student with degrees in agronomy, statistics, computer science or related fields. The successful candidate will work on a cutting-edge program for developing a new generation of crop yield monitoring systems. Projects focus on the use of Bayesian statistical methods for fusing satellite images and soil/crop sensors into process-based crop models.

Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Allen Lee

SLU is recruiting a professor who shares our aspirations to be world leading within the area of weed ecology and management. We are looking for a person with an ecological approach who will work towards solving the applied problems that weedy plants pose in agricultural ecosystems. For this, we welcome applicants with an interest in engaging in trans- and inter-disciplinary research. New EU regulations to ban certain herbicides make sustainable weed management a matter of urgency for Nordic[…]

Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Allen Lee

The Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Vernon, TX ( (Texas A & M University System) is seeking applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate (Agricultural Water Management) position.

Expired Last updated 5 years ago Submitted by Allen Lee

We are seeking a highly motivated and qualified student to evaluate the ability of alternative cropping rotations in a dryland wheat-based cropping system to capture and utilize available water and soil nitrogen within complex landscapes and over a wide climatic gradient. Research will involve field experimentation, remote sensing, and hydrologic crop modeling.

Displaying 10 of 19 results crop modeling clear search

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