Jobs & Appointments

Displaying 10 of 21 results agent-based model (abm) clear

Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Florence de Longueville

30-month post-doc position in Land Use and Land Cover change modeling at the university of Namur, Belgium

Expired Last updated 5 years ago Submitted by Nina Schwarz

In a nutshell, the position is about modeling viticultural landscapes as social-ecological systems, with winegrowers taking decisions that affect biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Expired Last updated 6 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

Senior Research Associate in Agent-Based Modelling School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford Grade 8: £39,992 - £42,418 p.a.
We are seeking a Senior Research Associate (SRA) for a new inter[…]

PostDoc in Energy Systems Modelling, ETH Zurich

Application deadline 2018-05-31
Expired Last updated 6 years ago Submitted by Christof Knoeri

The Group for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) at ETH Zurich searches for 1-2 Postdoctoral Researchers with quantitative modelling experience in the field of t[…]

Expired Last updated 6 years ago Submitted by Birgit Müller

We offer a vacancy in the field of social-ecological simulation modelling for synthesis work on pastoral systems.

Expired Last updated 6 years ago Submitted by Pablo Lucas

The UCD School of Information and Communication Studies and the School
of Sociology are hiring an ABM postdoctoral researcher job (3-year
position) to work on the UCD SFI SPRING project.

Expired Last updated 6 years ago Submitted by Nicole Li-Jessen

We are seeking a highly motivated junior-level postdoctoral researcher to join the Voice Research Laboratory at McGill University in Canada. This appointment is exp[…]

Expired Last updated 9 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

We are looking for PhD candidates on Modelling Values Attributed to Smart Energy System Platforms. More information: The position is open until July 30th. The Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management contributes to sustainable solutions for technical challenges in society by combining the insights from engineering with the humanities and the social sciences. This research project is part of the NWO programme on […]

Expired Last updated 9 years ago Submitted by Omar Guerrero

We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) for a new interdisciplinary project to build an agent-based model (ABM) to represent the extraction of fish by fishing vessels in open ocean fisheries and the associated effects on ocean ecological systems. The goal of this effort will be to identify pragmatic fisheries management strategies tailored both to the complexity of the ocean ecosystem, and the limitations of the relevant social, economic and regulatory systems. The PDRA […]

CLIMATE CHANGE AND REGIME SHIFTS IN FLOOD-PRONE URBAN AREAS: AN AGENT-BASED APPROACH Background: Coupled socio-ecological systems (SES) are known to experience regime shifts. By this we mean fast and usually irreversible changes in systems, like the ones that we observe when ecosystems collapse due to overexploitation, or when economy cannot recover after natural disasters (floods, droughts, etc.), or when societies undergo dramatic changes as in resource-driven conflicts. The topic is of […]

Displaying 10 of 21 results agent-based model (abm) clear

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