Jobs & Appointments

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In the POLISES group at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ Leipzig, Germany, a three years PhD Position on “Modelling human-environment systems: How to effectively design climate risk instruments?” is offered from April 1, 2022 on with a methodological focus on agent-based modelling.

Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Florence de Longueville

ABM Postdoc researcher at the University of Namur (Belgium)
MAPPY project funded by AXIS/JPI-Climate
Full time position - 10 months

3 Postdocs in Computational Social Science

Application deadline 2021-10-17
Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Omar Guerrero

Dear colleagues (apologies for cross-posting),

Please feel free to circulate the following job opportunities among your peers.

I am looking to hire three postdocs in Computational Social Science at The Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for data science and AI. They will work as part of the Policy Modelling Theme, in an exciting research environment, and with a unique opportunity to have impact in real-world policymaking. These positions are for two years and take place […]

Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

The Department of Geography of the University of Namur (located approx. 1 hour from Brussels) is hiring a postdoctoral researcher to work in the framework of the MAPPY project funded by AXIS/JPI-Climate ( This project studies the interactions between pollinators, plant diversity and crop yields, under climate and land use change. The hired researcher will continue the development of an agent-based model (ABM) to derive high-resolution land use[…]

Expired Last updated 3 years ago Submitted by Christa Searle

Research Associate at Centre for Sustainable Road Freight, Heriot-Watt University; responsible for leading the agent based modelling activity. The centre has focused on solutions that will deliver net zero carbon emissions and therefore reflect the emerging energy transitions.

Research Associate: Sustainable Cold-Chain project

Application deadline 2021-07-04
Expired Last updated 3 years ago Submitted by Christa Searle

Research Associate at Centre for Logistics & Sustainability, Heriot-Watt University; responsible for leading the agent based modelling activity. The Sustainable Cold-Chain project will bring together world leading interdisciplinary researchers to provide a whole systems approach overseeing technology, finances, food security and sociological aspects of how we can deliver demand and climate adaptation, resilience and decarbonisation of the cold-chain in the food industry simultaneously.

Expired Last updated 3 years ago Submitted by Erika Frydenlund

Computational social scientist PhD fellowship in Norway to pursue interdisciplinary methods for studying “pop up” humanitarian aid actors. Ideal candidate has both qualitative (especially ethnographic fieldwork) data experience as well as modeling skills and abilities.

The Department of Resilient Energy Systems in the Faculty of Production Engineering - Mechanical and Process Engineering at the University of Bremen is looking for a Research Associate (f/m/d) - subject to vacancy - for the position:
Research Associate (PhD Candidate) (f/m/d) with a focus on socio-technical transition research
(TV-L E 13)

Focus lies on:
- Socio-technical view on resilient transition paths
- Agent-based modeling
- Development of a stakeholder participation

Two Postdocs in Complexity Economics & CSS

Application deadline 2021-03-31
Expired Last updated 3 years ago Submitted by Omar Guerrero

I am looking to hire two postdocs in Complexity Economics and/or Computational Social Science at The Alan Turing Institute. They will work on a large and exciting project on shocks and resilience, and will be closely collaborating with experts from other fields such as epidemiology, biology, data science, and spatial modelling.

Expired Last updated 3 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

The Chair of Applied Social- and Health Psychology, headed by Prof. Dr. Urte Scholz, in the Department of Psychology at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) is seeking a postdoctoral researcher (80%), starting 1st of May, 2021 (negotiable), in the area of agent-based computer simulation of social-psychological processes. For more information on our research, see:

The appointment is for two years and financed by the SNSF pro[…]

Displaying 10 of 101 results agent-based model clear

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