Jobs & Appointments

Displaying 10 of 101 results agent-based model clear

The Social Sciences Unit of the Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO), is looking for a PhD candidate (4-year) in “participatory agent-based modelling of food system changes towards a circular economy”.

The PhD candidate will be employed primarily on the European H2020 project RUSTICA (ID-101000527: 2021-2024). RUSTICA aims to foster the technical validation, demonstration and implementation of bio-based fertiliser and soil improvement production techniques[…]

Expired Last updated 3 years ago Submitted by Timothy Waring

PhD Positions
A newly funded research project seeks to understand how both rural human communities and species populations will respond to challenges posed by climate change and is by a team of collaborators at the University of Maine (Dr. Tim Waring, Dr. BrianMcGill, Dr. Katie Corlew, Dr. Matthew Dube), and the University of Vermont (Dr. Meredith Niles, Dr. Nicholas Gotelli, Dr. Laurent Hébert-Dufresne). The project will synthesize large amounts of data and develop new modeling techniq[…]

Expired Last updated 3 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign seeks a qualified applicant for the position of a full-time, 12 month Postdoctoral Research Associate. This position works closely with faculty to develop an agent-based model to simulate school meal[…]

Institution: Purdue University, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
Location: West Lafayette, IN

Job Category: Graduate Assistantship

Salary: Year-round funding (full tuition waiver and salary of ~$24,005/year is available as a Graduate Research Assistant (PhD level) in the Forestry and Natural Resources Department at Purdue University. Additional funding is available to support research and to attend conferences and training opportunities.

Pertinent Websites: https://www.purdue[…]

Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Birgit Müller

We are looking for an enthusiastic Post-Doctoral researcher with a background in computer simulation, agent-based modelling, farmer behavioural modelling or microsimulation to join the BESTMAP team in the University of Leeds and contribute to the development of individual-farm agent-based modelling on farmer decision making, in dealing with challenges in land-use intensification, sustainable agriculture and climate change.

The PhD project will focus on modeling fish migration along rivers. The main objectives are to determine the effects of artificial light at night on fish migration, and to identify criteria for artificial sustainable light management. The ideal candidate has a solid understanding of ecological concepts, combining experience in spatial explicit approaches in environmental modelling (e.g. agent-based models) with an interest in confronting ecological theory and models with experimental data.

Expired Last updated 4 years ago Submitted by Önder Gürcan

The objective of this thesis is to investigate the uncertain constraints of blockchain systems and to propose a deep reinforcement learning decision-making approach based on utility and rewards for both user and block creator agents.

The thesis will also contribute to develop and extend the agent-based simulation platform Multi-Agent eXperimenter (MAX) of LICIA.

Displaying 10 of 101 results agent-based model clear

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