Displaying 10 of 640 results
The International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) is offering a position for an Agent Based Modeler to join their team. The role focuses on advancing the understanding and assessment of energy demand pathways in cities.
The ERC project ARISER (Access to crop diversity and small farms’ resilience to climate variability in African drylands: The role of seed and information networks, https://www.ariser.org/en) is seeking for a postdoctoral research fellow experienced in the modelling of social-ecological systems
We are excited to announce an opportunity for a talented agent-based modeler to join our team at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). This role focuses on advancing the understanding and assessment of energy demand pathways in cities.
For more details, please check here: https://iiasa.ac.at/employment/job-openings?jh=gohckm9qgzybbu2xwq48ddwfrd56lmf
The Center for Connected Learning & Computer-Based Modeling (CCL) at Northwestern University is looking for a
full-time Software Developer to work on NetLogo. If you are a system builder and can design and implement a whole
application independently, this position is ideal for you! Start date as soon as possible. Please apply via [email protected], which is faster than applying via the web site. See detailed description.
The aim of this project is to improve the comparability and selection of spatial optimisation algorithms through the design, testing, and publication of spatial optimisation benchmarks. The developed benchmarks will be tested on case studies in spatial planning and economic geography. Starting date is October 1st, 2024.
The Department of Coastal Studies in East Carolina University (ECU) is seeking a post-doctoral scholar with expertise in agent-based or similar rules-based modeling systems as part of an NSF-funded DISES project investigating ecosystem-based adaptation to extreme storm events in Fiji and Puerto Rico https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2206479).
The NetLogo project seeks a founding executive director (Sr. Project Administrator) to help develop an organizational structure to cultivate the ecosystem of NetLogo users and contributors. The organization exists to maintain and develop the NetLogo software and grow its community of computational modelers. The initial term for this position is through 8/31/2025.
We are seeking a PhD student to join our team of researchers at Auburn University’s College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment. We are partnering with the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) to develop a modeling, monitoring, and decision-analysis framework for improving deer population management throughout the state of Alabama.
LMU Munich is seeking to fill several exciting positions around Earth system modeling and land use. See here (or below) for further details and https://www.geographie.uni-muenchen.de/department/fiona_eng/department/geographie/index.html for general information on our group.
We are looking to recruit a postdoctoral scholar for a two-year position in an interdisciplinary NSF-funded research project (#2020751). A premise of the work is that open source …
Displaying 10 of 640 results