
Displaying 8 of 8 results optimization clear search

Muhammad Khurram Ali Member since: Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 11:46 AM Full Member

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, Master of Engineering in Industrial and Manufacturing Enginnering

Industrial Engineering, Multi-criteria Decision Making, Optimization Techniques, Global/International Facility Location, Agent-based Modeling

Diogo Alves Member since: Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 03:14 PM Full Member

Metaheuristics In Social and Industrial Problems.
Bio-inspired Optimization.
Agent-Based Modeling.
Chaos Theory.
Natural Language Processing.

Prashant Deshpande Member since: Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 12:36 PM Full Member

Alma Mater: FT Ranked No. 10 Business Economics school.
Ranked No 1 in an engineering mathematics national level test.
Ranked No 1 in an analytics program at IIT Bombay.
B.E. Mechanical Engineering.
MTech 1st year Modelling and Simulation.
PhD 1st year Strategy Simulation at The University of Texas at Dallas.
Tuition scholarships at the Santa Fe Institute.
GMAT 730
5 years of operations research work experience.
Published and presented a poster at the The Operational Research Society, UK Annual Conference 2021 integrating strategy and applied math. Took on and resolved a longstanding problem.
Solo authored leadership article in the Analytics magazine Nov/Dec 2021 issue from INFORMS.
Solo authored theoretical optimization abstract at the ICORES 2022 Conference.
Authoring the black-tie, board room manual - The Change Management Series Volume 1 Kindle edition on Amazon March, 2022.
I am a participant at the Financial Modeling World Cup 2022.
Build spiders for scraping web data.

Agent-based computer simulation in strategy, the resource-based view in strategy, agency theory and top & middle management incentives, organizational economics, algorithmic game theory, financial friction, financial econometrics.

Cheick Amed Diloma Gabriel TRAORE Member since: Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 10:57 AM Full Member

Ph.D., computer science, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Master of Science, Applied Mathematics, Nazi Boni University, Bachelor, Mathematics, Nazi Boni University

I am Cheick Amed Diloma Gabriel Traoré, holding a PhD in Multi-Agent System Modeling from Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD), Senegal. My doctoral research focused on formalizing and simulating Sahelian transhumance as a complex adaptive system. Leveraging mathematical and computational techniques, I developed agent-based models to analyze the spatio-temporal dynamics of transhumant herds, considering factors such as herd behavior, environmental conditions, and socio-economic pressures.

My background includes a Master’s and Bachelor’s in Mathematics from the University of Nazi Boni, Burkina Faso, where I developed a rectangular mesh for image processing and applied the Hough transform to detect discrete lines. My studies at the University of Nazi Boni were funded by the Burkinabe government.
For my PhD, I conducted extensive fieldwork in Senegal, collaborating with interdisciplinary teams to gather data on transhumant practices. Using this data, I developed a multi-objective optimization framework to model herd movement decisions. Furthermore, I created a real-time monitoring system for transhumant herds based on discrete mathematics. My PhD research was funded by the CaSSECS project (Carbon Sequestration and Sustainable Ecosystem Services in the Sahel).

Erden Tüzünkan Member since: Tue, May 02, 2023 at 09:37 AM Full Member

MBA, Marketing, Yeditepe University, B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Bogazici University

Founder of Healthy Office Habits:
Founder of SEO Hot Tips:
Co-Founder of Albert Solino Consulting:
Co-Founder of Corvisio HR Software:
Co-Founder of Prosoftly CRM Software:
Co-Founder of Mailsoftly E-mail Marketing Software:

My research interests consist of
* Artificial Intelligence
* Machine Learning
* Data Mining
* Lead Scoring
* Search Engine Optimization
* Digital Marketing
* Healthy Living
* Health & Wellness

Amir Hajimirzajan Member since: Mon, May 29, 2023 at 06:26 PM Full Member

Amir Hajimirzajan Ph.D. of Industrial Engineering

Operations Management Production Planning Optimization Agribusiness Management Agent Based Modeling Complex Systems Biology Agent Based Intelligent Systems Complex Systems Complex Adaptive Systems Complex System Optimization, Optimization-simulation models.

Narjes Sadeghiamirshahidi Member since: Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 03:59 PM Full Member

Ph.D., Industrial Engineering

Simulation and Optimization
Supply Chain Management
Data Analytics
Agent-Based Modeling

Mariam Kiran Member since: Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 09:06 PM Full Member

PhD Agent based modelling of economic and social systems, MSc (Eng) Advanced software engineering

Dr. Mariam Kiran is a Research Scientist at LBNL, with roles at ESnet and Computational Research Division. Her current research focuses on deep reinforcement learning techniques and multi-agent applications to optimize control of system architectures such as HPC grids, high-speed networks and Cloud infrastructures.. Her work involves optimization of QoS, performance using parallelization algorithms and software engineering principles to solve complex data intensive problems such as large-scale complex decision-making. Over the years, she has been working with biologists, economists, social scientists, building tools and performing optimization of architectures for multiple problems in their domain.

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