Displaying 10 of 27 results for "Roberto Molowny-Horas" clear search
I use agent-based systems, stochastic process, mass balance models and computational statistics in exploring human exposure assessment.
My research focuses pn the intersection between game theory, social networks, and multi-agent simulations. The objectives of this scientific endeavor are to inform policy makers, generate new technological applications, and bring new insight into human and non-human social behavior. My research focus is on the transformation of cultural conventions, such as signaling and lexical forms, and on many cell models models of stem cell derived clonal colony.
Because the models I analyze are formally defined using game theory and network theory, I am able to approach them with different methods that range from stochastic process analysis to multi-agent simulations.
Enhancing Athena visualizations and internals, see https://github.com/AthenaModel.
Agent-based computing in economics and finance
Large-scale agent-based models
Agent models calibrated by micro-data
Complex adaptive systems
Mathematical analysis of agent systems
Currently doing a program evaluation of a GIZ reforestation project in the north of Mato Grosso state, Brazil (transition area from savannah to Amazon forest). Adoption of Agroforestry Systems by lower income farmers was the goal.
Displaying 10 of 27 results for "Roberto Molowny-Horas" clear search