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Displaying 10 of 53 results NetLogo clear

NetLogo developer position

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 6 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

Job Summary:
The CCL Lab at Northwestern University is looking for a full-time Scala/Java Software Developer to work on the NetLogo desktop application, a celebrated modeling environment used in […]

Expired Last updated 7 years ago Submitted by Neil Carter

The Human-Environment Systems group at Boise State University is looking for a programmer to assist with optimizing code for an agent-based model of endangered species. The model is described in Carter, N., Levin, S., Barlow, A. and Grimm, V., 2015. Modeling tiger population and territory dynamics using an agent-based approach. Ecological Modelling, 312, pp.347-362. Primary tasks that the programmer would assist with include efforts to: • Develop algorithms to effectively upscale the model […]

Expired Last updated 7 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

Center for Mind and Culture, Boston The Center for Mind and Culture (CMAC) is a non-profit think tank conducting non-partisan research into aspects of the mind-culture nexus (see CMAC is seeking a post-doctoral research fellow expert in modeling and simulation and interested in applying those techniques to religious cognition and behavior, immigration and integration, and related areas. Java and NetLogo are the principle coding languages in use on this project. […]

Expired Last updated 8 years ago Submitted by Ayaz Hyder

The Computational Epidemiology Laboratory seeks an exceptional postdoctoral researcher with interdisciplinary interests and a passion for using complex systems models (e.g., agent-based, microsimulation, system dynamics) to improve human health and well-being. The current focus of the group is on developing complex systems models in the following areas: 1. Food access, food insecurity and health 2. Pediatric asthma healthcare utilization 3. Predicting asthma attacks due to multipollutant […]

Expired Last updated 8 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

The Modeling Religion in Norway project invites applications for a full-time, three year post-doctoral position. Expertise in computer modeling and simulation is required, with knowledge of AnyLogic and/or NetLogo preferred. The ideal candidate will also have expertise in one or more of the following areas: mining big data, predictive analysis, cognitive or social scientific study of religion. Click here for a link to a detailed position announcement and online application website. The […]

Expired Last updated 8 years ago Submitted by Thomas Tirone
  1. Uses a high degree of concentration to plan, develop, build, test, validate and operate multiscale agent-based simulation models for a variety of nonlinear, time-based problems within ALSAC, drawing on a current inventory of predictive models as well as exploratory work. Multiscale agent-based simulation models for strategic and/or tactical applications in Java or C++ produce system-level financial and other outputs (metrics, forecasts) based on (a) consumer econometrics, algorithms, […]

CLIMATE CHANGE AND REGIME SHIFTS IN FLOOD-PRONE URBAN AREAS: AN AGENT-BASED APPROACH Background: Coupled socio-ecological systems (SES) are known to experience regime shifts. By this we mean fast and usually irreversible changes in systems, like the ones that we observe when ecosystems collapse due to overexploitation, or when economy cannot recover after natural disasters (floods, droughts, etc.), or when societies undergo dramatic changes as in resource-driven conflicts. The topic is of […]

Modelling Household Energy Demand

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 9 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

Modelling Household Energy Demand Salary: up to £37,394 The WholeSEM project is a four-year, £5.7 million collaboration between the Universities of Surrey and Cambridge, UCL and Imperial College funded by EPSRC to develop, integrate and apply models of future energy supply and demand in collaboration with stakeholders in academia, government and industry in the UK and internationally. For further information about the consortium please visit . The work at Surrey focuses on understanding […]

2 PhD Positions in agent-based simulation

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 10 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

The Cooperative Multi-Agent System (SMAC) group of the IRIT Lab in Toulouse, France is offering 2 PhD positions: both positions are related to the ANR Project GEN* ( which aims at providing tools and methods for the generation on synthetic populations for agent-based social simulations. The PhDs will conduct their research at the University Toulouse 1 Capitole ( in the IRIT laboratory ( Position 1: Models for the […]

Research Assistant for Netlogo debugging

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 10 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

RA needed briefly to help code and debug a simulation in Netlogo implementing an algorithm modeling firms’ innovations and the development of an industry in particular locations. I’ve already written pseudocode for the algorithm – just need some help translating it into real code that will actually compile. Must have experience with Netlogo and availability in June or July. Hours and location flexible. To apply, please email Russell Golman and describe your programming experience and your […]

Displaying 10 of 53 results NetLogo clear

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