Jobs & Appointments

Displaying 10 of 23 results uncertainty clear search

Expired Last updated 1 year ago Submitted by Ritvik Shukla

Delft University of Technology is looking for a PhD candidate with a strong quantitative background; please see the description below. The deadline for applications is 28 February 2024

Expired Last updated 1 year ago Submitted by Itamar Megiddo

The Department of Management Science at the University of Strathclyde is hiring for a lecturer position (Assistant professor).

The lecturer search is across all the Department’s research themes, with one of the five main areas of interest being complex systems simulation.

The Department conducts research on improving simulation methods rigour, including agent-based modelling, system dynamics, discrete-event simulation, and hybrid models. It also teaches the three simulation methods.

Expired Last updated 1 year ago Submitted by Itamar Megiddo

The Department of Management Science at the University of Strathclyde is hiring for a lecturer position (Assistant professor).

The lecturer search is across all the Department’s research themes, with one of the five main areas of interest being complex systems simulation.

The Department conducts research on improving simulation methods rigour, including agent-based modelling, system dynamics, discrete-event simulation, and hybrid models. It also teaches the three simulation methods.

Expired Last updated 3 years ago Submitted by Kelly Claborn

TU Delft has an opening for a postdoctoral research fellow at the intersection of social simulation and high-performance algorithms. The goal of project is to develop methods to speed large-scale agent-based modelling (ABMs), for example by means of effective parallelization using High Performance Computing (HPC). The use of machine learning for efficient ABM simulations will enable uncertainty and global sensitivity analysis of large ensembles of ABM runs. The postdoc will use the HPC c[…]

Expired Last updated 5 years ago Submitted by Neil Carter

A postdoctoral research associate is sought in the School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) at the University of Michigan. The successful candidate will assist with 1) developing and implementing agent-based simulations of interactions between humans and wildlife; 2) analyzing and visualizing simulation outputs to share with decision makers; and 3) writing scientific, peer-reviewed publications.

Five Ph.D. student positions at UTS Australia

Application deadline 2019-12-15
Expired Last updated 5 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

$27,082 min per annum – Tax Free Scholarship Award, and a tuition waiver fee for qualified  candidates.   
Three Open Topic Positions 
Center on Persuasive Systems for Wise Adaptive living (PER[…]

Open position in computational social science at Sandia National Laboratories for someone with interest and expertise in simulation and/or data analysis, to work on a variety of projects related to computational social science. We’re doing work with system dynamics modeling, agent based simulation, cognitive modeling, complexity, and causality for a variety of research and application topics. A PhD is preferred, but there are related positions open that don’t necessarily prefer a PhD

Expired Last updated 5 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

The University of Florida is seeking applicants to fill a postdoctoral research associate position. The successful candidate will be part of a transdisciplinary project—in collaboration with Col[…]

Expired Last updated 5 years ago Submitted by Allen Lee

One Postdoctoral Researcher Position is available through the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering (BBE) at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. The initial appointment is 12 months, with possibility of renew upon performance and funding availability.

Expired Last updated 5 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

Are you an ambitious researcher looking for your next challenge? Do you have a background in computer simulation, statistics, and data analytics? Do you want to further your career in one of the […]

Displaying 10 of 23 results uncertainty clear search

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