Jobs & Appointments

Displaying 10 of 370 results agent-based clear

Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Kelly Claborn

We are seeking to appoint a Research Associate to engage in world-leading research in population health modelling and data science, with a specific focus on developing a smoking cessation model for England in partnership with University College London. The role sits within the Cancer Research UK funded programme grant “Targeting multiple levels of the smoking cessation system using novel scientific approaches”.

The role involves developing a novel agent-based model (ABM) of smoking cessati[…]

Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Kelly Claborn

You will be based in the socially aware AI (SAAI) group ( This group is world famous for its work on sophisticated social simulations ranging from the effectiveness of restrictions in the covid crisis to support for sustainable neighbourhoods. The group is specifically well-known for its formalizations and implementations of social concepts that govern people’s lives, such as routines, practices, norms, conventions, roles, etc. With […]

The successful applicant will develop models of future urban heating infrastructure with respect to the energy economic framing and climate protection targets in cooperation with Fraunhofer IEE. The focus is on the identification and mitigation of obstacles for individual investors under consideration of relevant stakeholders such as municipality, public utility companies, plumbers, and energy advisors[…]

Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Kelly Claborn

The selected candidate will be appointed a full-time position (1,0 fte) as a Forsker II/Senior researcher in the NORCE Kristiansand office. The working language is English, although knowledge of or willingness to learn Norwegian will be an additional advantage.

We are looking for a researcher to complement our CMSS team in working on a variety of upcoming projects. The successful candidate will initially be mainly involved in programming agent-based models for an EU HORIZON project, which […]

The School of Medicine, Dentistry & Biomedical Sciences (MDBS) at Queen’s University Belfast, is currently seeking to appoint an exceptional candidate to the post of Research Fellow in the Centre for Public Health.

This exciting position will allow the successful candidate to join the recently funded UKPRP GroundsWell consortium research team. The programme of research is focused on developing agent-based models to inform systems transformations of urban green and blue spaces for the preve[…]

Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Patrick Zollner

A Post-Doctoral Schloar position is available in Dr. Pat Zollner’s lab in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University. The PhD student will work collaboratively with a PhD student, project Co-PIs, and stakeholders to develop an Agent Based Model to understand how multiple stressors and interactions between those stressors as well as management scenarios impact populations of Least Bell’s Vireo in Southern California.

Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Patrick Zollner

A PhD position is available in Dr. Pat Zollner’s lab in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University. The PhD student will work collaboratively with a post doc, project Co-PIs, and stakeholders to develop an Agent Based Model to understand how multiple stressors and interactions between those stressors as well as management scenarios impact populations of Least Bell’s Vireo in Southern California.

Researcher position (0.5 FTE) at NORCE

Application deadline 2022-06-01
Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Kelly Claborn

The selected candidate will be appointed a part-time position (0,5 fte) as a Forsker/Researcher in the NORCE Kristiansand office. The working language is English, although knowledge of or willingness to learn Norwegian will be an additional advantage.

We are looking for a researcher to complement our Modelling and Simulation team. Initially, the successful candidate will be responsible for programming agent-based models of urban logistic systems in a H2020 grant that brings together indust[…]

Strathclyde Chancellor's Fellow in Health Tech

Application deadline 2022-04-10
Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Itamar Megiddo

The Department of Management Science at the University of Strathclyde is advertising for Chancellor’s Fellow in Health Tech.

Candidates should be familiar with management science systems modelling for decision making in the management of complex systems.

These are attractive, strategic posts for PhD-holders with strong research potential. The post is equivalent to a US Assistant Prof or UK lecturer level but has a reduced teaching load to encourage the development of a research portfolio.

Expired Last updated 2 years ago Submitted by Kelly Claborn

The position is opened by the Complex Human Behaviour Lab (CHuB), an interdisciplinary research unit carrying out fundamental and applied research informed by the statistical analysis of large behavioural datasets and aimed at modelling individual behaviour and collective social phenomena using the methods of complexity science, computational social science, and network theory. The topics covered within the unit range from individual decisions, human mobility and transportation to online co[…]

Displaying 10 of 370 results agent-based clear

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