Displaying 10 of 640 results
Two Postdoctoral Fellows: Coupled Natural-Human Systems Modeling and Climate/Environmental System Modeling The University of Maine is launching an international search for two Sustainability Science Postdoctoral Fellows: one in the area of Coupled Natural-Human Systems Modeling and one in Climate/Environmental System Modeling. The successful candidates will join a new Sustainability Solutions Initiative (SSI) funded by a 5-year, $20 million NSF EPSCoR grant. SSI includes a team of 30+ […]
The department of Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University has an open post-doctoral fellowship position in the areas of computational modeling, complexity, and social systems. The fellowship is for one year, with the possibility of renewal, and has a limited teaching load. The department is interdisciplinary, including the fields of economics, engineering, history, neuroscience, political science, and psychology. It has particular research strengths in behavioral […]
The interdisciplinary research centre REEDS at the UVSQ*, wishes to recruit two persons at post-doctoral or research officer level, for work on a novel interdisciplinary research project to develop a multi-agent model for a Neolithic agrarian society. The project OBRESOC — Un observatoire rétrospectif d’une société archéologique: la trajectoire du néolithique Rubané — is funded by the French national research agency (ANR) and coordinated by Professeur Jean-Pierre BOCQUET-APPEL, Directeur […]
Post-doc or Ph.D. student: machine learning applied to multi-agent social-ecological systems We are looking for a post-doc or Ph.D. student interested in the application of machine learning, specifically learning classifier systems, to multi-agent social-ecological systems. Experience with the design and implementation of machine learning and/or multi-agent systems and some knowledge of economics, anthropology or marine ecology is desirable but not necessary. The post-doc or Ph.D. student […]
CABDyN Complexity Centre Grade 8 (£36,715 - £43,840 with discretionary range to £47,905) Fixed term post for two and a half years We are seeking to recruit a Senior Research Fellow in Complex Networks who will join the research team based at the CABDyN Complexity Centre at the University of Oxford. Further information on CABDyN and the full further particulars for the post are available here . The advertised post is funded through one of the Centre’s new projects: *‘ICTeCollective Project […]
Dr. Owen Petchey at the University of Sheffield and colleagues have available funding for a PhD student to perform computational modelling of the collapse of ecological communities. This is an excellent opportunity for individuals with mathematical and computational experience to explore and research how networks of interacting individuals fail via extinctions. The funding is a prestigious Scholarship from Microsoft Research. For further information about the research and scholarship see […]
San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Job Opening: Economic/Demographic Research Analyst http://www.sandag.org/index.asp?jobid=226&fuseaction=jobs.detail Close Date: 3/12/10 With its suite of highly-sophisticated tools, including the Demographic and Economic Forecasting Model (DEFM), the Interregional Commute Model (IRCM), the Urban Development Model (UDM), TransCAD, and ESRI’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the Regional Models team supports numerous research and planning […]
A research position is available in the Sciences for Action and Sustainable Development (SAD) Department of INRA (France) at the Unit頍ixte de Recherche Dynamiques agricoles et foresti貥s dans les paysages ruraux (UMR 1201 DYNAFOR) to work on the Participatory Assessment and Modelling of change in livestock farming systems at the farm and the landscape level. The recruited scientist will join an interdisciplinary research group involved in long term social-ecological research on rural […]
Post-Doctoral Research Position in Agent-based Computational Economics and Experimental Economics AI-Econ Research Center (www.aiecon.org) at National Chengchi University (Taiwan) is looking for applicants for one post-doctoral position sponsored by National Science Council Project “Emergent Complexity of Cognitive, Psychological and Cultural Factors: An Integrated Framework of Agent-Based Computational Economics, Experimental Economics and Neuroeconomics”. The position is for 2.5 years […]
Two Assistant or Associate Professors Arizona State University’s Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative (CASI) invites applications for two tenure-track or tenured positions at the rank of assistant or associate professor. The successful candidate will have a tenure-track or tenured appointment in the academic unit most suitable in view of his/her background, skills and interests, and may fulfill all or part of his/her teaching duties as part of the Applied Mathematics in the Life and Social […]
Displaying 10 of 640 results