Jobs & Appointments

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2 year postdoc position in Montpellier

Application deadline 2019-07-08
Expired Last updated 5 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) IRD is a public French scientific and technological institution that has been working for 75 years in Southern countries. It is under the dual su[…]

Expired Last updated 5 years ago Submitted by Clément Chion

Department of Natural Sciences – Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO)
**Spatiotemporal Individual-Based Modelling of the St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga Population

The DFG-funded Research Training Group RTG 2118 ‘Integrating Biodiversity Research with Movement Ecology in Dynamic Agricultural Landscapes [BioMove]’ (Speaker: Prof. Dr. Florian Jeltsch) at the University of Potsdam (UP), the Freie Universität Berlin (FU), the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW, Berlin), and the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF, Müncheberg) offers several positions:

Expired Last updated 7 years ago Submitted by Mark Moritz

Two five-year positions supported by the National Science Foundation and The Ohio State University for an interdisciplinary research project that examines the environmental conditions that lead to human territorial behavior in pastoral ecosystems as well as how territoriality shapes the environment. Based in the Dhufar highlands of Southern Oman, the project will provide new insights into whether the dynamics of woodland-grassland-woodland cycling are coupled with pulses in human […]

Expired Last updated 8 years ago Submitted by Michael Potthoff

We experience increasing interest in our services related to agent based modeling. Therefore our Ecology and Environment Department is seeking an enthusiastic and talented colleague with a background in aquatic ecology and ecological modelling to strengthen our competencies in agent based modeling. The position is based in our office in Hørsholm, Denmark. We undertake consultancy and research projects applying and developing agent based models for a variety of questions. This involves the […]

Expired Last updated 11 years ago Submitted by Bruce Edmonds

Institutions: The James Hutton Institute (JHI) & Centre for Policy Modelling, Manchester Metropolitan University (CPM) JHI PhD Supervisor: Dr G Polhill, JH Co-Supervisor: Dr A Girmona CPM/MMU PhD Director of Studies: Dr Bruce Edmonds Application Deadline: 15 January 2013 Funding Availability: Competition Funded PhD Project (European/UK Students Only) Context In a landscape managed by multiple owners varying from homeowners and non-agricultural businesses through to estates and agri- […]

Displaying 6 of 16 results habitat clear

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