Jobs & Appointments

Displaying 5 of 85 results ecology clear search

PhD position in computational ecology

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 14 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

Dr. Owen Petchey at the University of Sheffield and colleagues have available funding for a PhD student to perform computational modelling of the collapse of ecological communities. This is an excellent opportunity for individuals with mathematical and computational experience to explore and research how networks of interacting individuals fail via extinctions. The funding is a prestigious Scholarship from Microsoft Research. For further information about the research and scholarship see […]

Expired Last updated 15 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

A research position is available in the Sciences for Action and Sustainable Development (SAD) Department of INRA (France) at the Unit頍ixte de Recherche Dynamiques agricoles et foresti貥s dans les paysages ruraux (UMR 1201 DYNAFOR) to work on the Participatory Assessment and Modelling of change in livestock farming systems at the farm and the landscape level. The recruited scientist will join an interdisciplinary research group involved in long term social-ecological research on rural […]

Expired Last updated 14 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

Two Assistant or Associate Professors Arizona State University’s Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative (CASI) invites applications for two tenure-track or tenured positions at the rank of assistant or associate professor. The successful candidate will have a tenure-track or tenured appointment in the academic unit most suitable in view of his/her background, skills and interests, and may fulfill all or part of his/her teaching duties as part of the Applied Mathematics in the Life and Social […]

Expired Last updated 15 years ago Submitted by jimwilson

The School of Marine Sciences at the University of Maine is seeking a to enroll a student as early as May or June 2010 in the dual masters degree in marine science and policy. The student will study and work on a strongly interdisciplinary research project funded by the Coupled Natural and Human Systems program within NSF. A competitive stipend, tuition, health and student fees will be provided for three years. The project combines the work of social, biological and computer scientists and […]

PhD position - Ecological Modeling

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 16 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

The Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) in Bremen has been recently elected member of the prestigious Leibniz Association, which is supported by the German Federal and State Governments. Through its research, ZMT contributes to developing science-based strategies for sustainable use of tropical coastal systems. To strengthen its research on the analysis of coastal tropical environments the ZMT is seeking a PhDStudent in ecological modelling. Focus will be on the spatial representation […]

Displaying 5 of 85 results ecology clear search

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