Displaying 2 of 72 results computational social clear search
The department of Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University has an open post-doctoral fellowship position in the areas of computational modeling, complexity, and social systems. The fellowship is for one year, with the possibility of renewal, and has a limited teaching load. The department is interdisciplinary, including the fields of economics, engineering, history, neuroscience, political science, and psychology. It has particular research strengths in behavioral […]
Two Assistant or Associate Professors Arizona State University’s Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative (CASI) invites applications for two tenure-track or tenured positions at the rank of assistant or associate professor. The successful candidate will have a tenure-track or tenured appointment in the academic unit most suitable in view of his/her background, skills and interests, and may fulfill all or part of his/her teaching duties as part of the Applied Mathematics in the Life and Social […]
Displaying 2 of 72 results computational social clear search