Jobs & Appointments

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Faculty position at PUC, Chile, on ABM

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 9 years ago Submitted by Felipe Rivera

CIGIDEN is a cross-disciplinary research initiative aimed to mitigate the tremendous and complex impact of natural disasters in the society, considering the physical infrastructure, the human stock, and the economic development. The Center takes advantage of Chile as one of the most active natural seismic and geo-hazard laboratories in the world. Faculty members working at CIGIDEN include people from different areas of Civil Engineering, Psychology, Sociology, Urban Studies and Geography […]

We are seeking a Post Doctoral Researcher to join an international project on the development of methods for analysis and visualization of ‘big data’ from computational agent-based models (ABMs) of coupled human-natural systems. This vacancy is part of a multidisciplinary multinational MIRACLE project (MIning Relationships Among variables in large datasets from CompLEx systems). MIRACLE is a joint project between the Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity at the Arizona State University […]

Postdoc position in spatial structure

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 10 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

Postdoc position in spatial structure (Req #140062) The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University invites applications for a post-doctoral position to work with Professors Corina Tarnita and Simon Levin on projects with special focus on spatial structure and its effects. The three main directions of research include but are not restricted to: (i) the effects of spatial patterning (e.g., as induced by self organization of social insect nests) on ecosystems and […]

Postdoc on ABM and Solar Energy

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 11 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

AVAILABLE POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE POSITION NETWORK MODELING OF HOUSEHOLD SOLAR ENERGY ADOPTION UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Dr. Adam Henry, Assistant Professor in the School of Government and Public Policy at the University of Arizona, will be hiring a postdoctoral research associate to work on a project funded by the Department of Energy to apply computational, agent-based network models to understand the adoption of residential solar energy in major U.S. solar markets. Applicants should […]

Expired Last updated 11 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

The SMAC Team of the IRIT lab (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse) invites applications for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship in the EmoTES project funded by the ANR. The aim of the EmoTES project is to study a specific class of emotions, so-called “strategic emotions”, namely those emotions such as guilt, remorse… which arise in the context of strategic interaction (that is, when an agent’s utility of a given choice also depends on other agents’ behaviors). The main goal […]

Expired Last updated 11 years ago Submitted by Peter Hayes

The Environmental Studies Program at Dartmouth College is seeking a postdoctoral researcher for a two year position working on agent based modeling of consumer behavior. In particular, the project examines the aggregate impacts of bounded rationality and social norms on demand for consumer goods. The postdoc will be involved in every stage of the project from research design to programming to data analysis and production of publications. The successful applicant will have experience using […]

Postdoc Opportunity

Application deadline None
Expired Last updated 11 years ago Submitted by dgweb121

The Environmental Studies Program at Dartmouth College is seeking a postdoctoral researcher for a two year position working on agent based modeling and consumer behavior. In particular, the project examines the aggregate impacts of bounded rationality and social norms on demand for consumer goods. The postdoc will be involved in every stage of the project from research design to programming to data analysis and production of publications. The successful applicant will have experience using […]

Expired Last updated 11 years ago Submitted by Marco Janssen

Job opening: 3 year PhD position at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) in the field of empirical based Multi-Agent Simulation of Opinion Dynamics. The doctoral project “Tipping points in public opinion. A Multi-Agent System simulating shifts from indifferent and ambivalent to polarized opinions” is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Employment will be by the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag:; the […]

Expired Last updated 11 years ago Submitted by jgburke

Modeling and Simulation of Health Behavior Faculty Position - Assistant or Associate Professor (TS) (#0130144). The Department of Behavioral and Community Health Sciences (BCHS) at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health ( is announcing a full-time faculty position in modeling and simulation of health behavior. We seek an assistant or associate professor with skills in computational, simulation, and modeling approaches to the dynamics […]

Expired Last updated 11 years ago Submitted by Tatiana Filatova

We are happy to announce a fully funded PhD position on developing an economic agent-based model. The projects aims to study non-marginal changes and non-linear behavior in energy markets under different scenarios of climate change mitigation policies (please see details in the attachment). Candidates with a background in economics, mathematics or computer science and modeling are welcome to apply.

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