Displaying 10 of 246 results Simulation clear search
Two PhD Studentships at the CPM available (as part of the SCID project ) Stipend: £13,290 per annum + applicable fees 1+3 years or 3 years deending on experience Centre for Policy Modelling Manchester Metropolitan University Business School Applications are invited for 2 phd students to work on modelling projects associated with the EPSRC project: the Social Complexity of Immigration and Diversity (SCID). This project is in association with the University of Manchester’s Institute for […]
Two Four-Year Research Fellow Posts in Complex Social Systems Simulation http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AAZ394/research-fellows-complex-systems-simulation-two-posts/ EPSRC Care Life Cycle Research Programme University of Southampton - School of Social Sciences £27,319 to £31,671 per annum The University of Southampton has recently been awarded over £3million by the EPSRC under its ‘Complexity Science in the Real World’ initiative to carry out research on the ‘Care Life Cycle: Responding to the […]
The Rutgers Center for Green Building (rcgb.rutgers.edu) seeks a postdoctoral fellow with interests and experience in computer simulation modeling, especially using agent-based modeling approaches. The postdoctoral fellow will be expected to take part in developing models of the interactions between building systems and building occupants, producing associated peer reviewed publications, and contributing to the management and execution of the Center’s current projects. Funding comes from […]
San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Job Opening: Economic/Demographic Research Analyst http://www.sandag.org/index.asp?jobid=226&fuseaction=jobs.detail Close Date: 3/12/10 With its suite of highly-sophisticated tools, including the Demographic and Economic Forecasting Model (DEFM), the Interregional Commute Model (IRCM), the Urban Development Model (UDM), TransCAD, and ESRI’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the Regional Models team supports numerous research and planning […]
The University of Maine has launched the Sustainable Solutions Initiative with a $20 million, five‐year grant from the National Science Foundation’s EPSCOR program (SSI: www.umaine.edu/SustainabilitySolutions). SSI’s mission is to create an integrative research program and strong stakeholder partnerships that generate improved solutions to intersecting ecological, social, and economic challenges in and beyond Maine. SSI is supporting interdisciplinary research of coupled natural‐human […]
The School of Economics (SOE) and the Senator George J. Mitchell Center at the University of Maine invite applications from social scientists for a tenure-track faculty position in SOE at the assistant or associate professor level. The successful candidate will join a new Sustainability Solutions Initiative (SSI) funded by a 5-year, $20 million NSF EPSCoR grant. The position is one of four new hires supported by SSI, an innovative program in sustainability science. The successful candidate […]
CNRS – National Center for Scientific Research, Paris, France Three Post-doctoral Positions – Modeling of social networks/complex systems Three post-doctoral positions are offered in the field of social network and complex system modeling, including one 3-year position on “quality collectives” and two 1-year positions on blog networks and opinion diffusion. Herebelow are short descriptions of each of the positions – for more details, including application and employment details, please […]
********** ** MoS Modeling and Simulation Center, Orebro University: ** ** PhD Opportunity ** ** Learning for Model Design Support in Multi-Agent Simulation ** ********** A new 3-years PhD position is immediately available at the MoS Modeling and Simulation Center, University of Örebro, Sweden under the supervision of Dr. Franziska Kluegl. The major part of the PhD studies can […]
I have an agent-based modeling post-doctoral position to fill at The Ohio State University. I am looking for someone with Java programming experience to work on the Basic Immune Simulator, a model created using RepastJ and described in: http://www.tbiomed.com/content/pdf/1742-4682-4-39.pdf The position will involve conversion of the Basic Immune Simulator to a simulation of interstitial lung disease (pulmonary fibrosis), experimentation, and comparison to histopathological data derived […]
CALL FOR APPLICATION: PhD PROPOSAL Resilience of water supply systems in semi-arid environment. Location: UMR G-EAU (Cirad, Cemagref, IRD, AgroParisTech) in Montpellier (France) with field work in Ceara, Brazil, in connection with Ceara Federal University . PhD supervision Advisor: Olivier Barreteau, social simulation and water management, Cemagref Co-supervisor: Raphaèle Ducrot, water management, Cirad, visiting scholar at Funceme–Fortaleza Bresil. Funding: Subject to selection by […]
Displaying 10 of 246 results Simulation clear search