Computational Model Library

Displaying 4 of 4 results forestry clear filters

Root disease model

Adam Bouche | Published Sunday, September 30, 2018

This is a model of root disease spread between trees in the landscape. The disease spreads via two transmission processes: (a) root contact/root graft transmission between adjacent trees and (b) insect vectors that carry spores between trees. Full details can be found in the “Info” tab in the model and in the readme file in the GitHub repository.

Cumulative effects agent-based model of forestry and hunting

Scott Heckbert | Published Friday, December 04, 2009 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

This NetLogo model represents hunters and forestry road development in a spatial landscape. The cumulative effects of multiple resource use is explored.

A logging agent builds roads based on the location of high-value hotspots, and cuts trees based on road access. A forest monitor sanctions the logger on observed infractions, reshaping the pattern of road development.

Cumulative effects agent-based model of forestry and hunting

Scott Heckbert | Published Friday, December 04, 2009 | Last modified Saturday, April 27, 2013

A special case of the model ‘huntingforestry’, where a ‘pulsar’ pattern emerges, balancing hunting and game population growth.

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